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View Full Version : FISH TANK - Weekend Recap

Fish Tank
06-24-2014, 03:05 PM
Hey guys...sorry for the lack of reports lately. We've been working like crazy, but unfortunately not much for us to write home about the past few trips.

On Friday Capt. Tommy and Capt. Ed were able to put a decent catch together with Henry aka Jigemup getting highhook honors with 18 fish in the cooler. Mostly nice sea bass and some ling rounded out his catch. Everyone else finished somewhere in the low double digits or high single digits.

Sat, Capt. Tommy and I had an all star crew and we were really looking forward to beating up on some sea bass and then switching over to fluke, but Mother Nature had another plan in store for us. Trying to break the inlet with wind against was hairy to say the least and once we took a good 6 or 8 footer over the bow, we made the call to turn back. We caught a couple dozen short fluke in the river for an hour or so hoping the wind would die down and let us get outside, but that never happened so we headed back to the barn.

Tommy and I were back at it on Sunday and boy what a difference a day makes. Absolutely beautiful conditions to start out the day, but the water temp dropped and the bottom was still messed up from the day before so fishing wasn't nearly as good as it had been. Most guys had 5 or 6 keeper sea bass (except for Ed who left his lucky hat at home and only contributed to helping us weed through the short fish all day :D). The ling were also around, but not in the numbers we have been seeing.

Capt. Ed ran open boat on Monday and the action was down right slow. It was so slow that even Blackfish Doug didn't post a report:D I think the final tally on the boat was around 20 keeper sea bass, some ling and 5 or 6 keeper fluke. This S wind isn't helping the water temps and after Monday's results we decided to cancel our charters for Tues and Wed because we're not in the business of taking people for boat rides!

The highlight of the weekend came after Sunday's trip. We had just gotten done cleaning the boat and my friend got a call from his wife who was with my fiance' down in Pt. Pleasant. She said they were planning on staying out later than anticipated, so we took the FISH TANK back out and played around in the river for an hour. On our second drift, I hooked into a nice fish and immediately tell him to grab the net. A minute or 2 later, we slapped a 6lb fluke on the deck :) Back at the dock we finished cleaning the boat...again...and as I was hopping off the boat onto the dock, I slipped and went right in the drink.:eek: My cell phone and car keys were totally fried, but even that couldn't take the smile off my face! I just wish I could've gotten the pictures of that fish off my phone, but we will always have the memories.

Tight Lines!

~Capt. Kevin

06-24-2014, 04:15 PM
Nice job on the fluke and dunk'in. Will see you Saturday.

06-24-2014, 04:44 PM
Nice fluke!

06-24-2014, 07:40 PM
Good luck on Saturday Henry

Blackfish Doug
06-24-2014, 09:03 PM
I didn't want to post Mondays results I couldn't complain I wound up with 5 Sea Bass keepers enough for me & my wife. Ed tried hard to put us on the meat but it did not work out well for us. He did find some Fluke no keepers for me on the Fluke but I did manage 3 shorts. I think the boat had 5 keeper Fluke for the day.

06-24-2014, 09:50 PM
I also cannot complain about Sundays trip. Came home with enough to last me until I get out with you guys again. Fishing may not have been the best but it wasn't due to lack of effort. The crew of the Fish Tank always give 110%!thanks again guys. Me and Cheryl will see you soon.

06-24-2014, 10:41 PM
Sounds like a bunch of boats had problems with the current. Tommy and his crew always give 110% every trip!

Fish Tank
06-24-2014, 11:00 PM
Thanks for the kind words guys and as always, we truly appreciate your support. We all know the saying "that's why they call it fishing, not catching" but we on the FISH TANK don't agree with that. When things don't go exactly as planned, no one takes it more to heart than we do.

On a more positive note, I woke up this morning and checked my new phone and sure enough, all of my pictures were there!?!?! Apparently I had my old phone set up to download all the photos/contacts/emails to the iCloud so I was able to save the pics of my fluke from Sun! I love technology even though I don't know how to use most of it:)

~Capt. Kevin

Fish Tank
06-24-2014, 11:02 PM
Pic 2

06-25-2014, 12:35 PM
Nice fish Kev !

06-26-2014, 01:58 PM
Let's put some more of those nice fluke in the boat Saturday.

06-27-2014, 11:48 AM
Thanks for the kind words guys and as always, we truly appreciate your support. We all know the saying "that's why they call it fishing, not catching" but we on the FISH TANK don't agree with that. When things don't go exactly as planned, no one takes it more to heart than we do.

On a more positive note, I woke up this morning and checked my new phone and sure enough, all of my pictures were there!?!?! Apparently I had my old phone set up to download all the photos/contacts/emails to the iCloud so I was able to save the pics of my fluke from Sun! I love technology even though I don't know how to use most of it:)

~Capt. Kevingod bless iCloud:).... Great reports capt!!