View Full Version : Freshwater Report / Great day on the water

06-23-2014, 10:40 AM
So I had a bunch of stuff to do this weekend which kept me local. Ended up txting a neighbor to see if his son wanted to go fishing with my little guy for the day. After confirmations, woke up Sunday AM to get on the water which would truly be a great day of fishing.

Started off shoreline fishing, with plastics to produce a couple fish (3 or 4 LMB) / Catfish - pickeral.

Showed him buzzbait fishing which he was fascinated about but the sun got high quick and we moved out to deeper water.

Went to the sure things and start drifting live baits - which was a firedrill of putting on baits and bending rods. Countless pickeral and crappies till noon.

Had some lunch / threw on the tube and a couple of hours of tubing to get the afternoon started.

After that it was back to crappie fishing the floating docks which produced fifty plus crappies and nice LMB and a pickeral.

Highlight of that episode was watching my eight yr old son about to pull his little jig out of water only to see a nice 5pd hybrid slurp the bait into his mouth and it was game on. Great fight / good fishing IQ on light line to get it to the net. BAM.. His day was set.

Evening came - and their have been a few evening bite spots that have produced.

Spot 1 - nadda.. Pick up spot 2.. watched two guys fishing on through. Saw they didnt fish the piece correctly and was about to put on a clinic if they were there. Well we pulled out the tools and it was the highlight reel I was hoping for. LMB after LMB - 15 bass in an hour on plastics. Two youngsters putting on a clinic.

On the ride home we tallied 30+ LMB, 25 pickeral, 4 catfish, 80 crappies and a hybrid.

Not bad for a Sunday of fishing with two youngsters. Nothing better than hearing "can we stay longer, my dad wont get upset" too.. this was one of the best days I ever had fishing"

Mission accomplished :)

Skunk City
06-23-2014, 11:35 AM
Sounds like a very memorable day with the bonus Hybrid to make it even better!

06-23-2014, 12:23 PM
Simply Epic Dude....Way jealous. Miss the days when my kids were little like that. You gotta post up some pics next time though. Smiling kids with a fish....nothin better.

Nicely Done.

06-23-2014, 12:32 PM
I have them on the camera... havent been able to download yet..

06-23-2014, 02:09 PM
Great report for a private lake:)

06-23-2014, 03:02 PM
Absolutely :)

06-23-2014, 07:11 PM
Sounds like an AMAZING day anyway you look at it. Happy kids are the reward!:D

06-23-2014, 07:50 PM
Nice going, way to put those kids on the fish. Next time maybe Dad will go.;)