View Full Version : Best Braid knot..

06-22-2014, 09:15 AM
Sad to say I lost I giant on the hook set.. what do u guys say for 30 50 lb braid attached to a swivel..??? Thanx.. n trus me id rather be posting the pic!!

06-22-2014, 09:38 AM
Palomar to swivels, albright for leaders (13 wraps in, 13 back). It may be unnecessary now bot I put a little Krazy glue on it before synching down on the knot.

06-22-2014, 09:58 AM
Palomar or improved clinch to swivels and albright to leaders. Only 8 wraps on the albrtght for me.

06-22-2014, 11:38 AM
Palomar to swivel with a drop of crazy glue. It's never failed me. The improved clinch with braid, if not tied perfectly, will slip. I rarely, if ever, tie a leader to braid connection in freshwater. I tend to just use a barrel swivel. That's just my preference. The few times I had to do a braid to leader connection, I always went with a uni to uni. Never had one pull b/c of a fish in the salt, nor have I had one pull in freshwater. Tie what you know and what you have confidence in. And a drop of crazy glue on braided line goes a looooong way.

06-22-2014, 03:23 PM
to hardware - double palomar
to another line - double uni

06-22-2014, 05:09 PM
Uni-knot. Aka Duncan loop.....no need for glue. Never fails;

Capt. Lou
06-22-2014, 09:04 PM
Leader to braid , double braid & use reverse Albright ! Swivel to braid double Palomar !
If u only fish fresh then triple surgeons is fine to form a loop , then install leader via reverse Albright quickest & strongest as long as braid has been doubled utilizing a loop is best however knot can be completed just by doubling braid , I strongly recommend 10 complete turns on mono over the braid! Always pass mono thru loop to begin & end going thru loop again . Always snug slow but firm & do not stop till it stops u. !!
Unless u go into a couple of big game knots these are best by far!

06-22-2014, 11:38 PM
Palomer to rings and albright for leaders......10 wraps same method as capt lou and agree w muskynut no need for glue at all