View Full Version : Friday Fluking - Limits "Plus" to 7 pounds

cool hand fluke
06-20-2014, 07:01 PM
Left early with Joe Jigs. Got to the grounds with high hopes. Fish weren't where we were expecting them - only one short the first 3-4 drifts. Made a few moves a found a pick. Joe boxed our first keeper, then our second, then our third - was wondering if I'd get a keeper on the new boat.

Made a longer move and found a few more keepers after running into Fin S (nice as always to see you Bobby). Boxed a few more then tide line found us so back from where we came and found em chewing.

Joe was first to his limit and I followed. We ended with limit "plus" only keeping our legal limit. Joe had our two largest at 7 lbs each and we had 4-5 that were 5lbs plus...we left em chewing....

Better things ahead as water was 66 degrees today. Al

06-20-2014, 07:16 PM

Congrats on some nice quality flattiies on the new boat.

06-20-2014, 08:04 PM
Boat looks great Al!

06-20-2014, 08:06 PM
Mid-season form - nice job Al . .

06-20-2014, 08:39 PM
Nice to hear that it's picking up! Nice report.

shrimpman steve
06-20-2014, 09:21 PM
Very nice

anchor joe
06-21-2014, 07:40 AM
Way to break the new ride in. Cpt. Hank would be proud of you for being savage on flat ones.:D