View Full Version : Jamaica II's first trip

06-20-2014, 10:04 AM
Video, photo gallery, story from first fluke trip on the new Jamaica II party boat, Bogan's Basin, Brielle, last Friday June 13.


If you guys have stories you think would be good for the APP Hook, Line and Sinker, drop me a line.


06-20-2014, 10:51 AM
Nice article & pix, thanks Dan.

It may be worth an APP plug to mention our upcoming RFA fundraiser, the 6th annual Flukathon http://www.njfishing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=70136

Always a great RFA/NJFishing.com event, there are still some spots left to fill. I just don't know if the stories that arise from this event are 'fit to print' :eek: