View Full Version : Fishing Derby Results

06-19-2014, 04:16 PM
Was asked by my Godson Sebastian if we can go to the Fishing Derby they were having at Nomahegan Park in Cranford this past weekend. Have not been freshwater fishing for quite some time but knew he would enjoy it so I signed us up. His sister Amanda 6 yrs. old also wanted to come so thought it would be a perfect time for her to get her first fishing trip experience in with Uncle Alex. We got to the Park about half hour prior to the 11 am start to lay claim to our spot. After some brief instructions of casting with a spinning reel they were into a mad bite of sunnies within the first 5 minutes.

Amanda proved to be a natural as she was casting like a pro and reeling in fish all by herself. She caught allot of sunnies, a small largemouth and small catfish. She had no problems hooking her own worms and touching the fish. Very proud of her. I think girls our more patient and seem to listen better than boys and make for better fisherman most times. After landing about a dozen small fish I told the kids it was time to step up their game as it would probably take a nice size catfish to win or place. Changed our tactics a little bit and ended up landing 2 catfish that I new should put them in the running.

With only about 5 minutes before the 1 pm deadline I told Sebastien that I am the king of the whistle fish. He asked me what does that mean. I told him you will see within the next few minutes. I make my first and only cast of the day as they had me to busy taking fish of the hook to be able to fish most of the morning. I hand him the rod and tell him to count backwards from 60 seconds. At about 24 seconds the bobber start moving and goes under. He sets the hook and reels in nice catfish that ended up winning him a nice reel and rod combo for 2nd place finish in his age group. Was fun day spending day with niece and nephew and seeing the smiles on their faces.
2 things they learned I hope was to never say I can't do it and to never give up even when time is running out. Many thanks to the Cranford Jaycees for putting together this great event.

06-19-2014, 04:27 PM
Nice going. What's the old saying "Take a kid fishing and they will be hooked for life" :)

Fish Tank
06-19-2014, 04:32 PM
Great report, Alex. Just seeing those pics put a smile on my face! It's all about the whistle fish :)

~Capt. Kevin

The Sinker Man
06-19-2014, 04:47 PM
They couldn't have a better teacher than you..

06-19-2014, 05:25 PM
Awesome job Uncle Alex. Seeing their beaming smiles in your photos and Amanda's drawing was your true reward - the whistle fish was just icing on the cake :)

Art Berkman
06-19-2014, 05:34 PM
Good stuff Alex !!!

Blackfish Doug
06-19-2014, 07:11 PM
Great job Alex in a few years maybe I will be doing the same thing with my granddaughter.

06-20-2014, 02:49 PM
Nice job Uncle Alex n kids!

06-20-2014, 03:35 PM
Do you think there may have been just a little Karma involved there? Wasn't Sebastian your helper at the Hi-Mar Flea market?

Good job my friend. I have a picture like that last one & I wouldn't trade it for the world!