View Full Version : Shark tournaments

06-17-2014, 09:08 AM
Now....not later , but" now" is the time to order your bait for the upcoming mako mania shark tournament....do not wait for the last minute to think about what you need...make that list and start thinking about getting ready for the weekend...we have in stock...bluefish chum, bunker chum, flats of mackerel , large trolling squid, and plenty of shark rigs....flying gaffs, harpoons, and if you need a spare rod and reel ...we can probably help you out with that too.....we are open from 4:30 am- 8 pm. Daily ...4:00 am- 8:pm. Sat . And 4:00 am. - until 7:pm .sunday...call now....and we are carrying" tn tackle shark rigs" pete.....732-787-2248