View Full Version : Fathers day stripers

06-16-2014, 03:16 PM
Before my striper report, fluking since Thursday has been real slow..... Fished every morning in the surf since then and I haven't caught more then 3 each day, two biggest were only 16 inches. I did drop a nice one but she doesn't count. I think it's cuz of the NE winds, the rain, and there's been some chop churning up the shallow water I fish.... It'll blow wide open soon.

Went on the Big Mohawk for their evening striper trip, and it was a great one. Lost two that were 25 +, and I landed a 28 about and my biggest of the night was 34 which was weighed. The last drift right at sun down was absolutely INSANE. 25-30 caught in that half hour. Absolute mayhem, I think I could've caught 2 more the way things were going but I f'd up my reel with 15 minutes to go. Wasn't gonna bother the mates when they were insanely busy. Back at it Wednseday night for my final striper trip of the spring, then I'm gonna transition into fluke. I go down every Wednseday at least, not sure what my other day will be but I wanna head down at least twice a week.

34 lbs

06-16-2014, 04:26 PM
Great stuff - WTG !