View Full Version : Father's Day on the shrimp

shrimpman steve
06-16-2014, 01:12 PM
After Saturdays lack of fluke took a neighbor blue fishing. I have come to realize that blue fish are like the police, never around when you need them and always around when you don't. ( just kidding as I have plenty of respect for our men in blue).

Got beat up going out to roamer Sunday AM. No fish and a passenger who started turning green:eek: so, based on advice and the wind headed in to get some shelter to the Staten Island side (19 can). Set up, it was much nicer condition wise, but still no fish. Headed a little father into the back ( round shoal ). But still couldn't find any blues. We chummed and chunked heavy at all spots but couldn't get the fish to show:mad: after reading reports, I guess I had to go way into the back.

Anyway, my friends first salt water trip was a bust as far as fishing, but we had a great day on the water. Even though we did not find a fish to bend his rod, he said he would come out again being that it was nice just to get out.

I guess this is what is meant by taking your lumps. A few bad trips in a row on the shrimp, but I refuse to give up!

See you on the water.

06-16-2014, 06:33 PM
Wish I had some kinda info to pass on to ya yesterday. Worked in close and dead dead dead!

shrimpman steve
06-16-2014, 07:17 PM
Tried hailing you once or twice duff.