View Full Version : Fathers day bassin with Capt. Hans

Capt Sal
06-15-2014, 05:34 PM
Had the day off and got an invite to go with capt.Hans Kerpersetz out of the Highlands.He just repowered with twin 300hp Yamahaha outboards on the CC Regulator.Total rocket ship!We had her up to 63 knots.Made bait real quick and got to the grounds at the change of tide.We had outgoing and a nice NW wind.

Capt Sal
06-15-2014, 05:48 PM
To finish up after hitting the wrong button lol :confused: What a day we had.Set up on the anchor Oceanside and started to chunk.Instant run offs and screamers.My deer hunting partner and mate Mark Leili was hot landing one after another.Capt.Hans hooks up and almost gets spooled.After 20 minutes lands a foul hooked beauty weighing 46lbs.It got better!Three on at a time and big bass following the hooked ones up to the boat.We had bass on leaving the rods in the holders while Mark is filming.Hope to get the video and still pictures up.We will post them when it is done.Just a great day and the entire time I was thinking about the old days with my dad.I hope everyone had a great fathers day.Mine was one to remember for a long time.

One photo and a link to the video for those with FB. Trying to move the go pro footage from FB to YouTube where it can be viewed publicly.
http://i1068.photobucket.com/albums/u441/JCursi/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-06/84D91D6E-EA44-4601-8EDC-C56CD5E23729.jpg (http://s1068.photobucket.com/user/JCursi/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-06/84D91D6E-EA44-4601-8EDC-C56CD5E23729.jpg.html)


06-15-2014, 08:22 PM
After 20 minutes lands a foul hooked beauty weighing 46lbs....that must have been some fight. Can't wait to see the video. Happy Father's Day and that is one to remember.

06-15-2014, 08:31 PM
Sounds like a great day Sal .

screw the haters, being on the bass is what you do best.

Keep on catching , and having fun !!!!!

Capt Sal
06-15-2014, 08:41 PM
Sounds like a great day Sal .

screw the haters, being on the bass is what you do best.

Keep on catching , and having fun !!!!!

Thanks Hammer!!! Been a good run bay and ocean!Got some kids out tomorrow and we will be in the bay.Going to be a fun day!:)

Captain Rich
06-15-2014, 08:55 PM
You are THE BEST capt. Again and again you find the fish have a great report and not a single picture to go with it. Let me guess you ran over all the bass still in the bay to go catch the big ones in the ocean.

Someone piss on your leg and tell you it was raining ? What's your problem ? Six whole posts and you are going to trash someone else ? Grow up.

06-15-2014, 08:55 PM

I have no idea who you are, but 4 of your 6 posts have been attacking Capt Sal and two of those have been deleted by the mod....probably working on 3 out of 6.

You clearly have a bone to pick, contribute nothing to the discussion here....you only post to attack one of the people who help keep the lights on.

If you have an issue with Capt Sal why not pick up the phone or shoot him an e-mail and work it out man to man. Don't you think that would be better than playing keyboard cowboy? His contact info is in his sig.

As far as posting pics....Capt Sal is an adept angler, but incompetent when it comes to technology...the few pics that do make it on here I usually have to post on his behalf. Both Capt Sal and I are hoping that new mate Mark will help post pics and video on a more regular basis.

I have already watched the go pro footage myself and will get it up as soon as I have the opportunity. I am wrapping up Father's Day with my family...far more important than defending against an invisible doubter/hater.

Capt Sal
06-15-2014, 08:58 PM
You are THE BEST capt. Again and again you find the fish have a great report and not a single picture to go with it. Let me guess you ran over all the bass still in the bay to go catch the big ones in the ocean.

We did not leave from the bay we left from the Highlands.The highlands are next to Atlantic Highlands and if you go around the point of Sandy Hook you are in the Atlantic Ocean.If you put a bunker on the line you can catch Striped Bass.Try it some time or better yet charter a boat''not one I run'' and the captain might show you how it is done:p lol

06-15-2014, 09:38 PM

As you mentioned you have nothing to prove especially to someone who with 6 post has not added anything positive to site. Do not even waste your time responding to post like this. They should just be ignored. All he is looking for is to get a reaction out of you. Just ignore and keep posting your reports. At least you try to add something to the site with reports and pointers that may help others put fish in the box.

06-15-2014, 10:36 PM
No posts about fishing reports and just slamming others?

Get rid of this loser, complainer, whiner.

Capt Sal
06-16-2014, 04:00 AM

As you mentioned you have nothing to prove especially to someone who with 6 post has not added anything positive to site. Do not even waste your time responding to post like this. They should just be ignored. All he is looking for is to get a reaction out of you. Just ignore and keep posting your reports. At least you try to add something to the site with reports and pointers that may help others put fish in the box.

Thanks bro!It was a fun day and I hope yours was also.

06-16-2014, 05:05 AM
As I've said before.....if uncontrolled, this site will become the same as all the others with the haters and super experts.

Sal, why even entertain this kind of shit, we've all been through it before....as far as posting pics to "prove anything", you and I both know that's not your forte' with the technology. Big deal.....Shit, I still have a Flip phone and don't text "Oh my God"!!! LOL

06-16-2014, 07:29 AM
Great catch Capt.

Gerry Zagorski
06-16-2014, 08:32 AM
Cark is gone.

06-16-2014, 12:51 PM
Jim said it best. my add on to this is that I had the pleasure and opportunity to fish with Sal last year on sherry berry with Al and he definatley knows how to fish for the striped ones, knows where and how to look for them and truly understands the techniques needed to catch them. I atttribute my late fall and this springs success to that learning trip i made with him. Both my father and son also agree after i shared this chain with them. Also, I see Jim and Sal often out on Jims boat as we share the same dock and see what they catch. Hes not bullcrapping. my hats off to Jim and Sal, i actually looked for them saturday cause i knew they would be in the fish but idnt run out far enough from the back bay to get to them.....and screw the pics if you cant do it, just come on down and see it in person!

06-16-2014, 04:08 PM
Cark is gone.

Only to return under a different name.........

Kudo's on the Quick can Gerry. Like I said before, this shit destroys good sites and I've been here too long to see it happen on this sight.

Gerry Zagorski
06-16-2014, 06:36 PM
Not on my watch. Worked way too hard for way too long to let that happen.