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View Full Version : Canyon Runner 16 Yellowfin/Bluefin/Mako - Pics of Our 358 Mako

Canyon Runner
06-13-2014, 07:32 AM
Capt. Dean Lambros ran his 4th overnigher in a row Wedndesday to Thursday and picked away at smaller yellowfin in the Hudson Canyon area, nailed another nice bluefin and nailed another mako. The action was mostly on our Canyon Runner spreader bars and ballyhoo on Joe Shutes. The weather was a bit sporty on the way out put the Dan Haney charter from Syracuse who's been with us for years wanted to stay at it and we knew it would lay down and it did - by night fall the wind dropped out and they had a nice night and pleasant morning with a ride home right on their backs.

We are sitting at the dock today and hope to go out Saturday again. The 60 Ritchie starts full time on Sunday with Capt. Mark DeBlasio at the wheel during the week and Capt. Dulaine taking weekend duties.

Here is a couple pictures of the 358# mako caught by the Paul Pedretti charter - check out the abnormal dorsal.


06-13-2014, 02:01 PM
Nice looking mako !

06-13-2014, 08:17 PM