View Full Version : Last Day of School Fishing: Assunpink, Spring Lake

06-10-2014, 10:58 PM
Woke up today, took my last final, and wanted to start the summer off the right way.

Took my friend out on Lake Assunpink on my 2 person kayak. Now I should say right now, my friend has never caught a fish before, or has ever been freshwater fishing. We got a couple bites and I caught a small bass early in the trip. A couple hours later, he threw near some fallen trees and some lilly pads (like had been fishing for years), and says "I think I got one." And of course, he has a nice 15.5", 2.5 pound fish! Beginners luck, I guess :rolleyes:

He had to go home early, so we packed up and I dropped him off at his house. Spring Lake was only 15 minutes away, and I heard of a fellow NJfisherman having success over there, so I figured why the hell not.

So I park my car, walk over to the shoreline, and BAM first cast 16" inch bass! Not a bad start to my first cast at a new place, I thought. Two casts later, I get whacked again and the rod doubles over and this hog just starts jumping. She must have cleared the water 4 times. Finally landed her, and she was just shy of 22", and according to online resources she must have been a little over 6 pounds! Not bad for a NJ fish!

Pics to prove it happened. (sorry for the shitty photo of my PB, my iphone camera is broken and I left the camera at home)

06-10-2014, 11:31 PM
Quite the day! Congrats on the PB, and it's great to see someone else from ocean county! Catch em up!!!

06-11-2014, 08:27 AM
Nice SLOB LM! Congrats on the PB!!! It's go time!!!:D

06-11-2014, 08:07 PM
Very intersting cause my smallmouth was a fat 21.5 inches according to the estimate charts that was over six pounds too! My digital scale said four and change so wonder how accuarate they are? Nice bass but six lbs??? Dunno about that.

06-11-2014, 08:46 PM
GetANet, I also got the 6lbs from an online length/weight chart. Whether or not it was actually 6lbs I'll never know because I released it without weighing it. I never caught a bass that size so I just took the weight the charts said at face value hahaha. Either way, I'm proud of it, congrats on the big smallie.

06-11-2014, 09:04 PM
Not knocking ya , just seriously brings to my mind how accurate my digital scale really was before it was destroyed weighing that big smallie! Was actually thinking alot about that since my previous post! PB is always the BOMB, just pushes the bar higher for you! I have actually had three this year myself!
Largemouth, Smallmouth , and Walleye.
The estimate charts about all the same and they usually close in my experience.

06-11-2014, 11:49 PM
I hear ya! Three PBs in one year, and we're not even halfway through June? Dude thats awesome! Keep up the great work! This is my first summer with a license, so I'm just beginning to see how much of a door that can open in terms of fishing ;) Hopefully more PBs on the way for the both of us.

And Hoop79d: Good to see another freshwater Ocean County angler is right! We might have to travel for our slobs (for the most part ;)), but hey, at least we don't have to travel too far to get our saltwater fix :D

06-12-2014, 04:06 PM
good looking LM buddy, nice PB. I agree w getanet thats about 4-5lbs, a s6lber is alot fatter, those charts are more for southern fish that get rly big

Lard Almighty
06-12-2014, 08:12 PM
Spring Lake is one of my favorite after-work spots, glad to see someone else fishes it for bass instead of trout. That bass is actually bigger than any I have pulled out of there in the last few years. Six pounds might be generous, but it is definitely a slob! Congrats on the PB. And if you ever see anyone at Spring Lake with a GoPro on his head, it's probably me; stop by and say hi! :D

06-13-2014, 06:11 PM
Congrats on that nice bass... I'm one of those nuts who fish Spring Lake for Trout, but I've caught a bunch between 4-7 lbs, with ultralight rods using 2lb test so it's been fun, plus only maybe 7 mi away:D