View Full Version : Stripers sun night, fluking fri-sun

06-09-2014, 09:55 PM
I was able to get onto the Big Mohawk Sunday night and had an insane night of striper fishing. Most blowups happened once your bunker hit the water. On our first drift I think 8 of 16 passengers hooked up within the first two minutes on huge stripers Everybody had at least a blow up here. The fishing remained crazy the whole night but not as crazy as that drift. I had my unluckiest night of striper fishing ever, 6 blow ups and none of them wanted to take my bunker. Just messed with me and moved on to the next one. Lol

I spent a total of about 6 hours fluking between friday-sunday morning, all from the surf in very shallow water. Caught around 20 fluke altogether, with most of them being well sized. 10 of them were between 16.5-18, had some super shorts as always, and I had 3 definite no doubt keepers. A 19.5, 21, and a fat 23 incher. None of them were kept, I don't eat fluke(Or fish, period) but I think if I wanted to limit out each day I think I would've. Back at it tommorow morning and hopefully weds morning and evening.


06-10-2014, 11:32 AM
Nice thanks for the report. Sounds like both days were full of action. Mind giving general surf area? Fishing north or south? Beach or bay/river?

06-10-2014, 12:48 PM
"All from the surf" and those are jetty rocks in da pic, it's always descent fluking from allenhurst up to Monmouth beach- good structure off most tips and nice drops right from the beach in shallows at some areas

If I remember right I think he is from Staten Island ...

06-10-2014, 01:31 PM
Yes, I live in Staten Island, and all fish were caught in Staten Island. Sorry, I should've been a bit more specific. This would be Raritan Bay at an inlet.

Went this A.M, this was my only fluke caught, somewhere between 20-21 inches. Lost another 5 feet away that was easily 4/5 lbs. Fishing was super slow, those 2 were my only action. Have work tonight, gonna give it a try in the A.M again.


06-10-2014, 01:46 PM
Good Luck tomorrow.