View Full Version : Sea Horse 6/8 Weekend Report.

Sea Horse
06-09-2014, 09:23 AM
Friday 6/6 Fluke
For the fluke report Capt. Eddie said the fishing was a steady pick throughout the day. The wind kept the fleet down the beach and the fares picked away at some quality keepers. Mr. Sullivan win the pool with a nice 6lb flatty.

Saturday 6/7 Fluke
It was another banner weather day on the water today. The fares picked away at some nice keepers but there were just not enough for everyone onboard, even the short action was off today.

Saturday 6/7 Magic Hour Ling
Industrial Metro Company and friends chartered the boat for an evening of striped bass fishing. At the dock we decided to switch it up and try a little evening ling fishing and what a great choice it was.
All of the fares onboard caught fish and went home with a tasty bag of fillets. The boat catch ended up landing around 250+ ling with some sea bass in the mix.

Sunday 6/8 Fluke
Great day of fishing today. The weather was perfect and Capt. Eddie put the fares on the meat. Bob Gasparovic from Verona NJ won the pool with a 5lb fluke. The boat catch ended up with 40 keepers with plenty of short in the mix.