View Full Version : Pike-a-thon 2014, june 28-29

06-05-2014, 07:29 PM
It's time! Back by popular demand, PIKE-A-THON 2014! Here's the deal!
2 day contest being held on the Passaic River. 10 bucks per man, the more anglers that enter, the bigger the pot gets. I will match the pot once again this year. 15 anglers enter, I'll throw in 150 bucks. 20 anglers enter, I'll throw in 200 bucks. YEA BUDDY! Come one, come all. After last years mess, you boyz and and girlz better bring your A game. No extensions, no month long nonsense. One big Pike gets the cash. If anyone would like to donate a 2nd and 3rd place prize that would be AWESOME! This is a contest made for the guys with kayaks and other small water craft. If you know your spots and know your Passaic River Pike then this is your oppurtunity to win some cash. LET'S DO IT!!!

Day 1, June 28th will be held on the Passaic River at Two Bridges from 8am-5pm.
Day 2, June 29th will be held on the Passaic River at Dundee Lake from 8am-5pm.

Biggest Pike by length takes the CASH.

Pike must be caught on the Passaic River.

A measurement pic with the Pike is required for entry.

Make sure your measuring device shows the numbers clearly.

You do not have to fish the entire contest, you can fish a couple hours, one day or both days. This a very simple, WINNER TAKE ALL CHALLENGE! If anyone has something to add or suggest, please, feel free to put in your 2 cents.


06-05-2014, 09:19 PM
I'm in.....

06-05-2014, 10:17 PM
I should be free at least one of those days, and I be aching for some pike no doubt

06-06-2014, 07:00 AM
Trying to make it both days. Better not be carp a thon again

Skunk City
06-06-2014, 10:12 AM
Despite the lack of cooperating Pike last year, we still managed to have a great time. There will be no Carp issues this year, as me and the Pike guys do well from here on through summer. Two good locations should have people landing fish with no issues, granted the water is not up from heavy rains.

8am-5pm? How do I get my topwater Pike then? :(

06-06-2014, 12:45 PM
Yeaaaaaa thon! If i can make it, I got a growler of IPA for a prize...

06-06-2014, 09:41 PM
If I can get off work and get bigfishy to break out the canoe after our bad experience were in

06-07-2014, 09:30 AM
Angler participation! Where are NJ's Pike anglers? Come out, come out wherever you are! Don't be SKEERED!!!! Who's in?:D


06-07-2014, 01:35 PM
Lookin forward to it!! I'll def be there one day, maybe both. Who's gonna wrangle that 40" monster!?!?

06-07-2014, 11:58 PM
Gonna miss it this year...but can out of state fish count??? Gonna be in Alaska that week and pike are on the list...woooohoooo as our friend Eddie would say.

Have a great time fellas and I'll catch you next time. I'm over due for an NJF MnG for sure.

Good luck to every one!

06-08-2014, 12:13 PM
Gonna miss it this year...but can out of state fish count??? Gonna be in Alaska that week and pike are on the list...woooohoooo as our friend Eddie would say.

Have a great time fellas and I'll catch you next time. I'm over due for an NJF MnG for sure.

Good luck to every one!

Good luck up there Ken!!! Can't wait til the day I take my dream trip up there. Bring me back a 50lb Halibut fillet if it's not too much to ask, LOL!

06-11-2014, 04:37 PM
Anyone got a spare yak :( i can't afford one right now and am dying to land my first pike over 20" !!!

06-11-2014, 09:43 PM
Very cool!!! With July around the corner il be staring up some freshwater trips again! Good luck guys!

Skunk City
06-12-2014, 10:02 AM
All this rain needs to stop! Paddled Two Bridges the other day, water was very stained!

06-12-2014, 03:18 PM
My son ( who is dieing to catch his first pike) and I would join in but we've had no luck on the passaic at multiple locations that i scouted out besides 2 bridges and dundee ( even one we go a tip on, thanks again for the PM's). If you consider opening it up to all the passiac we may join in.

Skunk City
06-12-2014, 03:24 PM
My son ( who is dieing to catch his first pike) and I would join in but we've had no luck on the passaic at multiple locations that i scouted out besides 2 bridges and dundee ( even one we go a tip on, thanks again for the PM's). If you consider opening it up to all the passiac we may join in.

I have landed more Pike in these two areas than anywhere else on the river. MANY multi-Pike days. Both spots pretty much get more Pike than any other spot. Stick with it. The Pike bite is VERY depending on water level and moon phase on the Passaic...

06-13-2014, 08:39 AM
As a guy who rarely fishes up there is there a way to get a close address or gps location of where we all plan on meeting up?

06-13-2014, 09:45 AM
As a guy who rarely fishes up there is there a way to get a close address or gps location of where we all plan on meeting up?

The Dundee lake launch is right across the street from Elmwood Park high school. Very easy to get to, same spot as last year. Google Two Bridges Passaic. River and you'll find the launch area easily.

Can someone else possibly clarify the launch locations for days 1,2. I want it to be as easy as possible for anglers to come join the fun without getting lost.

Let's go gang. Looking for more angler participation! Who's in? Who wants the CASH??? YEA BUDDY!!!:D

06-13-2014, 01:24 PM
Saturday Two Bridges Pike-O-Thon

To best accommodate a group of anglers, the main check in will be at Aquaduct Park located at the north side of Booton Avenue (Rt 202) in Lincoln Park on the Pompton River. The Aquaduct Park access has a good ramp that can handle small trailered boats and anything you could row or paddle and ample parking. It’s a little over a mile up river from the Two Bridges Area and all the water in between is prime pike habitat. After checking in, anglers have the option of launching right there or they can leave and launch at other near by locations. Below is my sad attempt at mapping. With some descriptions

The Two Bridges Road Access is a gravel lot located at the confluence of the Pompton and Passaic Rivers. You can park and unload right there and drop a yak/canoe down the bank on the Pompton River side. The bank is steep there so it could be bitch pulling your boat back up the hill. It’s a decent drop in point with safe parking.

Fairfield Emergency Boat Ramp located at the end of Camp Lane. This ramp is supposed to be used for emergency purposes only, but it’s a great launch that gets you up the Passaic River. Fisherman have had success not being hassled and also “run ins” with the law here. Launch/Park at your own risk and roll the dice hoping you don’t get ticketed or towed.

Rt. 80 Overpass. You have to park on the side of the road and throw your boat over a guard rail into the river. Park your car on the side of the road. Limited parking.

Suchorsky Park in Little Falls. Located off Island Road and Parkway . Its down river and gives you access from the top of the Little Falls all the way up to the Two Bridges Area. Paddle up river for stunning views of the Willowbrook Mall shopping center. The launch is a little beat up for a trailer but good for yaks and other car toppers. It’s a great “take out” area for anyone who can leave a car down river. Its about 5 miles downriver from Aquduct Park.

Eddie is looking to have contestants checked in by 8AM! Please be sure to check in early so FE can get on the water and not hang around waiting for stragglers.

http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh142/ScowardNJ/TwoBridgesAccess.png (http://s255.photobucket.com/user/ScowardNJ/media/TwoBridgesAccess.png.html)

06-13-2014, 02:52 PM
.....for stunning views of the Willowbrook Mall shopping center.

That's funny...great job on the map dude. Nicely Done.

06-15-2014, 01:09 PM
Sounds like fun but a real bad weekend for me.

06-15-2014, 01:25 PM
anybody know how the obstructions are around the island w/ houses downriver of aqueduct park? i couldn't get the boat through there last year, just wondering how it is now

also - does anybody else have GMRS radios? would be nice to have an open channel going to call out fish sizes as the day goes on, and of course for ball busting as required.

Skunk City
06-16-2014, 09:51 AM
anybody know how the obstructions are around the island w/ houses downriver of aqueduct park? i couldn't get the boat through there last year, just wondering how it is now

also - does anybody else have GMRS radios? would be nice to have an open channel going to call out fish sizes as the day goes on, and of course for ball busting as required.

Last time I was back there in the beginning of April it was clear.

06-17-2014, 12:27 PM
is the area kayak only water or can something small get thru there w an electric on it?

Skunk City
06-17-2014, 01:03 PM
is the area kayak only water or can something small get thru there w an electric on it?

We launch my room mate's 14' v-hull at both areas regularly with no issues.

06-19-2014, 10:31 AM
I took the recon run yesterday from Aquaduct Park down to Two Bridges on the yak. The run is wide open. I read depths between 2 to 8 ft with no obstructions for boats. The launch is kinda shallow so plan on wet feet if you plan on bringing something on a trailer, I'm pretty sure you'll have to back in beyond the limits of your car doors. The Pompton was running fairly clean, The Passiac is still pretty stained.

06-19-2014, 11:12 AM
I took the recon run yesterday from Aquaduct Park down to Two Bridges on the yak. The run is wide open. I read depths between 2 to 8 ft with no obstructions for boats. The launch is kinda shallow so plan on wet feet if you plan on bringing something on a trailer, I'm pretty sure you'll have to back in beyond the limits of your car doors. The Pompton was running fairly clean, The Passiac is still pretty stained.

awesome thank you for the detailed report.

i will be there for day 1

06-20-2014, 12:24 PM
We're about a week away from the FREAK SHOW! Who's in??? River looks good as of this morning. Picked up one Pike around 22 inches before work. Join the fun and ball busting next weekend gang. Should be a great time with some fish caught. What's better than a chance to win some cash money? C'mon up! LET'S GET EM!!!

06-20-2014, 05:00 PM
I'm in Sunday. Hopefully Saturday too

06-25-2014, 09:04 AM
Eddie, I sent you an email a few days ago but didn't hear back. I'd like to get involved as a sponsor (offering prizes) if interested. I'd like to offer for the kayak anglers since that's what I do. Something like gift certificates for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Let me know.

River's in great shape right now. I did really well Sunday.

06-25-2014, 10:27 AM
JonS, I will send you a PM with my email and phone in a few minutes. Hope to get in contact with you shortly. Your generosity and thoughts are greatly appreciated. Thanx a bunch. I look forward to talking with you.

Alright gang! We're 3 days away from the contest. It looks to be a lovely weekend for a paddle. Hope to see some lurkers and members come out of the woodwork for this event. Small craft, kayaks, canoes and inner tubes, come on out. Don't be bashful. Day 1, Saturday, meeting at Aquaduct park @ 8 am. 10 bucks per man. The angler with the biggest Pike at the end of the 2 days takes the GREEN.

Day 2, Sunday, meeting at the Elmwood park access across the street from EPHS @ 8 am. See you guys out there. Let's get em!


06-25-2014, 12:38 PM
Im hoping to get out Sunday morning, Ill be a first time Passaic kayaker. Ill probably be donating $10 but have been looking forward to fishing the river since I got the boat. I usually jinx myself when I bring I camera I never catch anything, when I don’t I do. How do you guys plan on catch/photo/release pike from a kayak with a non water proof camera phone? It just sounds like a bad idea lol.

also, when I googlemap check the highschool area it looks to be pretty far away from the river? is that where we are fishing or just meeting up and going from there?

06-25-2014, 01:23 PM
also, when I googlemap check the highschool area it looks to be pretty far away from the river? is that where we are fishing or just meeting up and going from there?

Look right across River Dr. and you will see what looks like a paved parking lot right on the river. That's the launch.

06-25-2014, 02:59 PM
Look right across River Dr. and you will see what looks like a paved parking lot right on the river. That's the launch.

cool thanks.

06-25-2014, 07:02 PM
Alright boyz and girlz, It's getting close!!! PIKE-A-THON 2014 goes down this weekend.
Day 1, Saturday, we'll be meeting @ Aquaduct Park. It's on the north side of Boonton Ave (rt 202) in Lincoln Park on the Pompton river.
Day 2, Sunday, we'll be meeting at the Dundee lake access, across the street from EPHS. Very easy to get to from rt 80.

Also. I met with the man himself today, owner/ founder of NJF.com, Gerry Z. He kindly donated some t-shirts and bumper stickers for the event. Thanx Gerry, we all appreciate it. I'll give the shirts away to the anglers that came the closest to placing. Placing? What do I mean placing? Oh yea, I almost forgot, JonS of The Kayak Fishing store is kindly donating 1st, 2nd and 3rd place gift cards to his store for the event. I think the denominations are 50, 35 and 25 bucks, YEA BUDDY! In addition to that The Kayak Fishing store looks like its going to come back as an NJF.com sponsor. That is AWESOME news. Jon if you'd like to post details on what your donating, please feel free to do so. Thanx again for everything. You are THE MAN!!! So fellaz, that's it pretty much. If there's any questions feel free to PM me or call me if you have my number. I'm here to answer any and all questions.

Thanx again to Jon and Gerry for the AWESOME donations. See you out there this weekend.

IT'S GO TIME!!!!! YEA BUDDY!!!! TIGHT LINEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

06-25-2014, 11:36 PM
Nice work Eddie! Huge thanks to Gerry and Jon for supporting this event!!!!

Gerry Zagorski
06-26-2014, 11:15 AM
Hope you all have a great time. We're very fortunate to have guys like Fast Eddie around here to keep things fun and interesting.

Thanks for putting this together Eddie

06-26-2014, 01:31 PM
Hi all. I'll be at the launch before I open the shop on Saturday.

We're going to be offering gift certificates to the store
Largest pike by measurement - $50
Second - $35
Third - $25

If you would like to participate in the kayak fishing prizes you need to be fishing from a kayak and take a picture of the kayak. Just need a date stamp on the pic or in the properties. That's it.

I'll be there Sunday. I won't be competing as I'll be motoring around in a Native Ultimate FX 12 with a Bassyak and taking video and pictures. I'll fish too or course. ;)

06-27-2014, 11:15 AM
I'm in and I got one more guy to come with me, see you Guys there tomorrow

06-27-2014, 01:30 PM
WOW, great stuff there FE !! One word, bug spray :D

06-27-2014, 04:42 PM
isn't that 2 words??? good luck to all who participate:D

06-28-2014, 05:28 AM
Good luck to all...and for God sakes take some decent pictures;):D

06-28-2014, 06:12 AM
Good luck to all...and for God sakes take some decent pictures;):D

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Well do our best to take the best possible pictures. You should come up and be our on the water photographer! Bring some Scotch!!!

06-28-2014, 08:09 AM
Good luck to all! Hoping to see some pic's of some monster pike! :eek:

Skunk City
06-28-2014, 11:17 AM
Live report: water is up and murky. Picked up a 31" before 830am on a big lure. No action since. Heard Gatto got a 29". 3 or 4 other guys said nothing yet. Catch em up boys.

06-28-2014, 11:30 AM
Live report: water is up and murky. Picked up a 31" before 830am on a big lure. No action since. Heard Gatto got a 29". 3 or 4 other guys said nothing yet. Catch em up boys.

Nice! Gotta love live reports! Good luck out there guys!

06-28-2014, 12:45 PM
Its Tough takin pics lol

06-28-2014, 12:47 PM
http://i1163.photobucket.com/albums/q544/Gatto1227/fishing/20140628_080837_zpsw6f92rsg.jpg (http://s1163.photobucket.com/user/Gatto1227/media/fishing/20140628_080837_zpsw6f92rsg.jpg.html)

06-28-2014, 01:15 PM
Yea !!!!! CATCH EM' UP!! waiting for the next report!!!!

06-28-2014, 01:27 PM
http://i1163.photobucket.com/albums/q544/Gatto1227/fishing/20140628_080837_zpsw6f92rsg.jpg (http://s1163.photobucket.com/user/Gatto1227/media/fishing/20140628_080837_zpsw6f92rsg.jpg.html)

Nice catch !!! But did you have to rip his head off to stretch the fish !! LOL LOL Nice going. Catching is the easy part.....a good picture is the hard part.

Danny V

06-28-2014, 03:12 PM
NorthjerzyJ (pops, lol), got one at 28" (bad pic). I.........Suck!!!
http://i1092.photobucket.com/albums/i419/NorthjerzyG/ZOE_0016.jpg (http://s1092.photobucket.com/user/NorthjerzyG/media/ZOE_0016.jpg.html)

Skunk City
06-28-2014, 03:17 PM
http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/IMG_4591_zpsaqt1n935.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/IMG_4591_zpsaqt1n935.jpg.html)

06-28-2014, 03:42 PM
http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/IMG_4591_zpsaqt1n935.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/IMG_4591_zpsaqt1n935.jpg.html)

The sun should be behind the photographers shoulders not yours!:eek:

Nice yard stick though:)

06-28-2014, 04:55 PM
Nice catches so far fellaz!!! 11 anglers showed up for day 1, not too bad. Big thanx to Scott, BigTom, Scowardnj, SkunkCity, Gatto, Duke, Thyer, Beardo Larry, NorthJerzyG & Pops and JonS from the Kayak Fishing Store for coming out. I got the big SKUNK today up in GPM. It's all good, it was the most peaceful float I've done in a while. I paddled 6 miles up the Passaic searching for BEASTS, 6 miles back to my launch spot. That's 12 miles, pretty good excercise today, LOL!!! All that water and I never saw a fish with TEETH, only Deer, alot of Carp and a Black Bear running through the woods. Great day for wildlife! I also managed to catch a good sunburn eventhough I loaded up on sunblock. AHHHHHHHH, watcha gona do? We'll be back at it tomorrow morning at Dundee lake. Hopefully the fish are hungry.

The pot currently stands at 220 BUCKS fellaz. Let's give em hell tomorrow. Contest is officially over at 5 PM. No exceptions!!! If you have pics of today's catch please post em on this thread. Let's see em boys!


06-28-2014, 04:58 PM
Nice catch !!! But did you have to rip his head off to stretch the fish !! LOL LOL Nice going. Catching is the easy part.....a good picture is the hard part.

Danny V

I wouldn't exactly Call it ripping his head off lol. Maybe just trying to hold him up to the tape. Some grab behind the head some grab under the mouth.

06-28-2014, 05:01 PM
Nice Fish fellas. Tough day out there. We caught 2 today and a smallie and that was it. The Pompton was in pretty good shape. Slight murk to the water. The Passaic was pretty dirty. Try again tomorrow

06-28-2014, 05:24 PM
Nice. Im hoping my value city yardstick isnt long enough for the fish I plan on catching tomorrow. 40orbust!

Skunk City
06-29-2014, 08:03 AM
Dundee Lake! See you guys out there! I've got a big old 41"er stringer'd to a half-sunken dishwasher, gotta grab her before anyone sees me!!

06-29-2014, 08:58 AM
LMAO!!!! A dishwasher!?!?!?

Alright then, it's 7:55 and no other anglers are here, @ Dundee lake. I'm launching in 5 minutes. See you guys on the water...............................I hope!:eek:


06-29-2014, 09:49 AM
LMAO!!!! A dishwasher!?!?!?

Alright then, it's 7:55 and no other anglers are here, @ Dundee lake. I'm launching in 5 minutes. See you guys on the water...............................I hope!:eek:


Be there in15 min lol lateeeee start

06-29-2014, 05:15 PM
I heard there were some big fish caught today fellaz!!!! Hope you came to the river FOCUSED!!!! YEA BUDDY!!!!

06-29-2014, 05:48 PM
34"http://i1163.photobucket.com/albums/q544/Gatto1227/fishing/20140629_151250_zpshcennraq.jpg (http://s1163.photobucket.com/user/Gatto1227/media/fishing/20140629_151250_zpshcennraq.jpg.html) http://i1163.photobucket.com/albums/q544/Gatto1227/fishing/2014062995151340_zpsmfwaafml.jpg (http://s1163.photobucket.com/user/Gatto1227/media/fishing/2014062995151340_zpsmfwaafml.jpg.html)

Skunk City
06-29-2014, 05:57 PM
After starting in Elmwood Park, going up and downstream, me and Eddie found some cooperating Pike. I landed a 36"er and Eddie landed TWO 36"ers. In addition, Eddie added a fat 33", a 29", and a lunatic Pike that jumped onto his kayak, hooked his backpack, then hopped back off. We each lost a few more Pike, but made sure the big girls made it into the yaks. These big fish are no joke in the kayak, so for each plus sized fish, we paddled to shore, hopped out for a clean measurement and picture, and released.

Bonus Dundee condom pics, also released unharmed :p.

http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/20140629_112215-1_zpsodmd91to.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/20140629_112215-1_zpsodmd91to.jpg.html)
http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/20140629_112252_zpsiz1gyvpf.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/20140629_112252_zpsiz1gyvpf.jpg.html)

http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/20140629_122351-1_zpsur2w0vc5.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/20140629_122351-1_zpsur2w0vc5.jpg.html)
http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/20140629_122302_zpsuhn7wbw7.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/20140629_122302_zpsuhn7wbw7.jpg.html)

http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/20140629_132544-1_zpsfcyttn2p.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/20140629_132544-1_zpsfcyttn2p.jpg.html)
http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/20140629_132623-1_zpsfgifgy0h.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/20140629_132623-1_zpsfgifgy0h.jpg.html)

http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/20140629_131934-1_zpsnbunjecf.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/20140629_131934-1_zpsnbunjecf.jpg.html)
http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/20140629_122438_zpsq5bq9nbn.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/20140629_122438_zpsq5bq9nbn.jpg.html)
http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h252/QuikSilverSRT4/Fishing%20Photos/20140629_090001_zpsta2ejuvb.jpg (http://s66.photobucket.com/user/QuikSilverSRT4/media/Fishing%20Photos/20140629_090001_zpsta2ejuvb.jpg.html)

06-29-2014, 06:18 PM
Nice fish gang! Thanx to all that participated. It certainly was a lovely weekend for a paddle. Big thanx to JonS from the Kayak Fishing Store. He came out both days to see us off. He did fish today as well. How did you make out buddy? Did you get that big old Carp on the fly rod? Pleasure meeting you, I can't wait to come to the shop to purchase a big boy kayak. It's definately time for an upgrade, LOL!!!!

And the winner of PIKE-A-THON 2014 is................................................ .......well, there's 2 winners, FASTEDDIE and SkunkCity. After looking at the pics we took of each other we decided to call it a draw. I'm sure one fish was a quater to half inch longer than the other, but the pics show them being equal. Landing these thick fish from yaks and having to take measurements is a task. I was drenched at one point from netting fish, fish trying to heave themselves out of the net. SHEEEEEEESH, this contest isn't all that easy. Hopefully I'll see more of you fine anglers out there next year. Again, thanx to all that gave it hell. For those of you that didn't make it, well it is what it is. Show up next time, you might have fun and possibly win some cash.

PIKE-A-THON 2014 is now over. See you maniacs out there!

TIGHT LINEZ!!!!!!!!!!! YEA BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

06-29-2014, 07:20 PM
Congrats to all you guys who caught! Some mighty beautiful fish there BoyZ!

06-29-2014, 07:40 PM
GREAT FISH, Eddie, and Skunk !!!! WOW, some beauties and great pictures too! I wish I could have made it, but with work and my daughter having my grandson, and minute/day....it's tough to be away for too long without checking my phone every two seconds.


Danny V

06-29-2014, 08:24 PM
WOW, nice fish. Another Pike-A-Thon in the books. Looks like fun was had by all, congrats to the winners.

06-29-2014, 10:59 PM
Nice fish guys. Those are some thick PR slobs! 'Grats on the draw Eddie and rob.

That last pic redefines jerk bait lol... Coney Island whitefish are migratory after all! Haha!

06-29-2014, 11:08 PM
I only fished for about 2 hours today and came up empty, again!! Anyway, Congrats on the co-win!!! Some real nice nj gators ya got there!! Congrats and nice fish to all. Def a cool event and had fun participating. Maybe next year I can manage not to get skunked..........:o

06-30-2014, 01:14 AM
Nice work finding those lower Passiac River monsters! I fished the hell out of the Two Bridges area Saturday only to come up with a large mouth and few rock bass. Huge thanks to Eddie for putting this thing together! Thanks also to the Kayak Fishing Store for supporting the Pike-a-thon!

06-30-2014, 09:10 AM
Congrats guys you def found the fish. After catching and releasing a dirty tampon, we decided to leave the dundee area and went back to the muddy water which payed off. Got some decent healthy fish. Just came up a little short for the contest. Thanks to everyone who set it up. Can't Waite for the next one.

06-30-2014, 10:07 AM
thanks for setting it up eddie, nice meeting everyone and a great day to be on the water. I should have packed it in and followed you guys, we didn't catch squat. I had one stupid bass take a swipe at a jerkbait and saw JonS catch a carp on the fly. those were all the fish I saw all day. ill get em next time!

Skunk City
06-30-2014, 11:13 AM
Had a great time fishing with the guys as usual. Met a few new guys, finally met the infamous NorthJerseyG, missed meeting Gatto, all in all was a good weekend. Thanks to the guys who showed up and fished and thanks to Jon from The Kayak Fishing Store.

And Gatto, that's a great fish man!

06-30-2014, 02:10 PM
It was fun meeting everyone I did meet and in time I'll meet more of you. So with a tie how about we do two $50 gift certificates and that will square up The Kayak Fishing Store with the Pike A Thon 2014? Just stop by the store whenever.

I added another fish to my kayak bucket list from the kayak with the carp I caught. It was actually my first ever and I'm glad it was on the fly rod. That makes my 101st species from the kayak. I had been stuck on 100 for a while. Glad that's over as 100 is too awkward a number.

06-30-2014, 02:21 PM
great fish guys! skunk, eddie, and gatto......if you do not mind me asking, what were the 36" pike caught on???? It looked like a swimbait hanging out one of their mouths??

Skunk City
06-30-2014, 03:54 PM
It was fun meeting everyone I did meet and in time I'll meet more of you. So with a tie how about we do two $50 gift certificates and that will square up The Kayak Fishing Store with the Pike A Thon 2014? Just stop by the store whenever.

I added another fish to my kayak bucket list from the kayak with the carp I caught. It was actually my first ever and I'm glad it was on the fly rod. That makes my 101st species from the kayak. I had been stuck on 100 for a while. Glad that's over as 100 is too awkward a number.

Thanks :). I will be by this week. What are your hours during the week?

101 species??? I've got some work to do lol.

06-30-2014, 06:03 PM
Awesome fish guys! Sorry I couldn't make it saturday, but gatto and I gave it hell yesterday. I wish we would've moved spots earlier bc we were on fish the minute we did after hours of notching. Congrats to Eddie and Skunk those are some beasts! Here's another one gatto got yesterday, prob somewhere around 30".http://i1174.photobucket.com/albums/r617/doctaj369/Mobile%20Uploads/20140629_170817_zpsou5syzbp.jpg (http://s1174.photobucket.com/user/doctaj369/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20140629_170817_zpsou5syzbp.jpg.html)

06-30-2014, 08:41 PM
Gatto knows where the bigguns live. I have an NJF shirt for you BROHAM! JonS, thanx again for everything. One of these days I'll be in there to get the gift certificate. In the near but somewhat distant future I'll be in there to upgrade my kayak. YEA BUDDY!!!


The Birdman
07-01-2014, 09:18 AM
Nice teeth boys, and great pics of them. Wish i could have joined my house is 30 seconds from pompton R, i coulda floated down. Was campin in stoke all weekend tho.