View Full Version : Mid Atlantic Fisheries Council meeting-Freehold

06-05-2014, 10:32 AM
perhaps a moderator can move this to the proper board...:)


06-05-2014, 10:54 AM
Thanks John, I'll be there next Wednesday. I don't think an hour will be enough time (includes NOAA presentation) but it is a vehicle for our voices to be heard !! Thanks for posting . . . .

NJF'ers --> Freehold is alot closer than Washington DC, + we get to be heard by the policy-makers who are actually soliciting our input . . . Who's in ?

06-06-2014, 07:02 AM
". . . The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council and NOAA Fisheries will host a public listening session on June 11th from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. at the Radisson Hotel in Freehold, New Jersey (in conjunction with the June Council meeting). NOAA Fisheries is seeking input from anglers and other interested stakeholders on what should be included in a recreational saltwater fishing policy. The listening session will begin with a brief presentation from NOAA Fisheries, followed by an opportunity for stakeholders to share their opinions and ideas for the policy. . . "

Come on and join me !! This is our chance to speak our minds - and it's right in our own backyard (other town hall sessions are in California, Maine, Hawaii, Maryland, Virginia, Alaska). Let's do the right thing for our state to ensure that our passion continues when we reach our golden years. It's only an hour session and there's even a Webinar link for interactive questions. Here's a chance to vent to folks who are looking for our opinions - who's in ?

06-06-2014, 08:46 AM
5:00pm? Who is out of work at 5:00pm for enough time to get to this meeting? Typical government efficiency.:D

06-06-2014, 09:28 AM
5:00pm? Who is out of work at 5:00pm for enough time to get to this meeting? Typical government efficiency.:D

^^^^^^ Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

At the earliest the meeting should have started at 7....8 would have been ideal.

06-06-2014, 04:12 PM
are they really "listening" or is this just a formality?

06-07-2014, 03:58 PM
Nice effort Larry.

I personally believe they schedule the time like everyone else as to whats convenient for them although cant help but think its done to keep attendance low as they know they don't really want to hear it.

Having said that MOST of us have gotten that "call" from a buddy or Capt about a last minute fishing trip and ditched work early to go so its all about what you want to do. If its important enough you leave work early and go if not you don't.

06-08-2014, 09:03 AM
Thanks for posting, I am laid off so i will be there, wish i had the problem of working and not being able to go. Click on the link that the member was kind enuff to post, there is a webnar availability so you can participate from home, you got a smart phone or ip at home you can participate. I undedstand and partly agree with the frustration factor, IMHO THEY SHOULD also set up a mechanism thru their website , and or boards like this, where as the fishing community can submitt their ideas, complaints and comments, they would most likely get a larger cross section, it's marketing 101. IMO seems they are trying to engage and incorporate the rod n reel folks, they may not be going about it the best route. Gerry you run this site long enough to know therefore i think you will agree the more avenues or streams of info that can be directed and disseminated in to a single cohesive stream, the end resuts IMO will result in a cohesive policy that is agreeable to everyone. If we are given the opportunity(S) to participate and do nothing but complain, then we are part of the problem and not part of the solution. For those of you that can not make it post your ideas etc, i will be more than happy to present them when i go. please try to be concise and to the point, post it as and idea and or solution to a particular situation(s) or problem that you feel needs addressing, i dont think this should be a biatch and moan session but a platform to present ideas and possible solutions. Sorry for the long post.

06-10-2014, 09:22 AM
They do have the ability to see your comments online if you can't get out of work:)


really- we're not all bad guys...I"m going to be there not as a NOAA employee that is on the regs side but as an individual(that fishes) that is trying to understand both sides and have them meet in the middle.

06-11-2014, 08:23 AM
TODAY ---> Please join us in person or online . . . .

06-12-2014, 08:09 PM
Brief summary of my meeting impressions - -
- Poor turnout of recreational fishermen
- Joint council meeting of MAFMC and NOAA; they genuinely were interested in public opinion about the NATIONAL policy soon to be instated
- Public comments are still encouraged via http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/sfa/management/recreational/policy/
- This 2 day closed door session was open to the public for one hour so they could 'listen' to recreational fishing concerns
- The meeting was way behind schedule and the public session started at 6:15 not 5:00pm
- I was able to join the closed door session from 5pm onwards and witnessed council voting on several allotments: butterfish, Mackeral, Longfin Squid, Illex squid. Voting was surprising to me at first but after pondering what I saw, it was 'business as usual'
.. Butterfish - science (no matter how flawed it might be) shows an increase in the number of these forage fish. After one vociforous council member made it clear how Butterfish benefits the Tuna industry, the council voted to increase allotment by 1/3
.. Mackeral - science (no matter how flawed it might be) shows that there are NO LARGE macks being caught on the East Coast. In my eyes something is clearly wrong about that, yet council lemmings voted to maintain the status quo
- Public comment was documented and members commented about what they heard:
.. Rec anglers mentioned our frustrations with State regulations differing for bordering states that fish the same waters
.. Commercial regs vs. recreational regs
.. A JCAA recreational angler criticized the accuracy of 'accepted science' citing a weakfish study that showed bordering states with WILDLY differing populations
.. I suggested that a NATIONAL fishing policy shoud be "child friendly" so that regs can allow children to keep some of what they catch; we need to reward our next generation of anglers with more 'keepers' so that they keep on fishing

It was encouraging that these agencies are looking for public opinion but a NATIONAL policy is worrisome :eek: - we need better regs not more regs !!

06-13-2014, 07:24 AM
[QUOTE=hartattack;361347]Brief summary of my meeting impressions - -
- Poor turnout of recreational fishermen
- Joint council meeting of MAFMC and NOAA; they genuinely were interested in public opinion about the NATIONAL policy soon to be instated
- Public comments are still encouraged via http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/sfa/management/recreational/policy/
- This 2 day closed door session was open to the public for one hour so they could 'listen' to recreational fishing concerns
- The meeting was way behind schedule and the public session started at 6:15 not 5:00pm
- I was able to join the closed door session from 5pm onwards and witnessed council voting on several allotments: butterfish, Mackeral, Longfin Squid, Illex squid. Voting was surprising to me at first but after pondering what I saw, it was 'business as usual'
.. Butterfish - science (no matter how flawed it might be) shows an increase in the number of these forage fish. After one vociforous council member made it clear how Butterfish benefits the Tuna industry, the council voted to increase allotment by 1/3
.. Mackeral - science (no matter how flawed it might be) shows that there are NO LARGE macks being caught on the East Coast. In my eyes something is clearly wrong about that, yet council lemmings voted to maintain the status quo
- Public comment was documented and members commented about what they heard:
.. Rec anglers mentioned our frustrations with State regulations differing for bordering states that fish the same waters
.. Commercial regs vs. recreational regs
.. A JCAA recreational angler criticized the accuracy of 'accepted science' citing a weakfish study that showed bordering states with WILDLY differing populations
.. I suggested that a NATIONAL fishing policy shoud be "child friendly" so that regs can allow children to keep some of what they catch; we need to reward our next generation of anglers with more 'keepers' so that they keep on fishing

It was encouraging that these agencies are looking for public opinion but a NATIONAL policy is worrisome :eek: - we need better regs not more regs !![/QUOTE

Hi Hart-
Note that there will be several town hall type meetings coming up regarding the rec policy. Unfortunately, many have such a negative attitude, they will not show up and be heard.
At least NOAA is trying, but without angler input, change will not take place. Unity and not dissention is critical. The system is not great by a long shot, but it is still the best in the world.
One of the key points was made right in the beginning- Rec fishing dollars are huge and exceeding commercial value. We need to capitalize on that in a big way. Somehow someway we all need to unite and become one voice, even though that's tougher than herding cats. Managing all species for abundance and not maximum sustainable yield (MSY) is the key and this maybe the key to the door of angler unification.
As someone that speaks to classrooms full of students of all ages about marine fish, I think an expansion of your kids fishing concept is in order, and that NOAA should implement a coast wide effort to bring fishing related topics into the schools and help to nurture the future of our sport.