View Full Version : Nice River Fluke

06-04-2014, 05:00 PM
Almost slack low tide this morning with a slight outgoing current and an incoming wind. Worst possible situation to set up a drift in a narrow channel. We were spinning in circles!

Then bam! I get hit using the Wonder Rig with a nice sized killie. I get this fish almost to the surface and as soon as I can just about see it, it does one of those backwards surges and breaks my line at the hook. My drag was a little tight and off it went. I tried to tell my dad how big this fish was but he wasn't buying it. The big one that got away. Or was it? . . .

About 40 minutes later we repeat the drift and start spinning again - frustrated that the lines are going under the boat and crossing and there's no way to control it. Then Bam! Hit again and this fish is a heavy one. I take care to manage the drag and my dad grabs the net. We bring it in successfully! A slob of a fluke - especially for slack low tide!

I go to take my hook out and low and behold - my other identical red, size 4, gamakatsu octopus hook is in the corner of his mouth on the other side. Ha! What are the odds of that? Biggest of the season so far for me.


06-04-2014, 05:15 PM
Nice work Doug! No go get some lump crab meat and enjoy:)

Gerry Zagorski
06-04-2014, 05:39 PM
Way to tough it out in difficult conditions Doug.