View Full Version : GAMBLER Fluke and Night Trips Report

06-02-2014, 06:35 PM
The fluke fishing was very slow for us on Saturday but improved by Sunday. Both trips on Sunday produced short action along with some keepers. Today, a 5 and a 6lber were taken. The fish are there --just gotta have the right conditions.

On our night striper trips, we haven't had big numbers of bass. But the fish we do catch are lunkers --mostly over 30lbs. And not always caught on live baits, either. Two big fish were caught Saturday night on 4oz red and green tailed AVAs. We're going to be fishing just Friday and Saturday nights now for stripers.

We will begin our Nite Wreckin' trips every Thursday, starting this week --targeting ling, cod, squid, flounder (which is now open) and Pollock.

06-03-2014, 07:02 AM
Looking forward to Thursday night ling trip. A few fat flounder is always a bonus. Hope to see at all on Thursday night.

Capt Todd

06-05-2014, 03:05 PM
Weather is shaping up nice for our first Thursday night ling and flounder trip tonight. I hope to see a bunch of you tonight!!!