View Full Version : Fish Monger II Sun 6/1 Pm Striper Limit to 39.5lbs

Capt. Jerry P
06-02-2014, 08:27 AM
Had Joe and crew along for a pm Live line trip. After hearing about the bass bite being slow all morning for others we were hoping they would turn on in the afternoon. And they def did!!! before we even made bait there was fish balling up bunker pods had 10 bites but only managed to boat 5 on drop and snag before the mob scene broke it up.

Took our bait out to the deep and the guys got redemption going 5 for 6 on our first drift. Picked one more and Bite slowed up but we found em again on our last drift. Topping the cooler with the guys limit and a bonus fish!!!!

Lots of action was an exciting afternoon on the water with a great crew!!!

Got a couple of one boat trips available so check out the open boat forum and give the office a buzz if your looking to get out 732 688 0948

Thanks Capt Jerry

Capt. JJ
06-02-2014, 10:43 AM
OK...heres the REAL report:

1. Arrive at dock at 2:00pm....Jerry takes 15 minutes to dock the new MONGER! Boat fits the slip like Jerry fits into a size "extra small" condom....very tight!

2. Jerry and crew clean up after morning sea bass trip (which looked to be successful, judging by amount of five gallon buckets filled with sea bass)

3. We board the brand new bus....exchange greetings with the new mates (yes....Jerry is now forced, by marine law, to take two mates on these trips: one for the crew, and one for himself!)

4. KEURIG COFFEE MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Friends of the Monger nation, do you realize what a step forward in modern times this is for everyone??!!!!!! (If he ever gets a cigarette dispensing machine on board, think of the extra hours we will have, as charters, without having to wait for the "cigarette runs" every morning from the 7-11!) New ride is SWEET!!!!!!!

5. No tunes on board.....Jerry apologizes before we even hit the inlet because instead of listening to Van Halen, Kanye, or Jerry's favorite group of all time: Air Supply, he informs us that the new stereo system has been delayed until the speakers from Metallicas current world tour can be delivered. This means we are forced to listen to 8 hours of Jerry endlessly saying, "Get ready guys; I read'em under the boat!" Yes......we need tunes fast!

6. Jerry makes the turn and runs to the spot...we make bait and start hooking up immediately. We go about 1-6 on snag and drop in the first drift.....reason why we miss so many????? Jerry forgot to take off the fluke and blackfish rigs from last year!!!! "Oh, sorry Dude.....I keep thinking every trip is for fluke or tog; My Bad! Bruce get this gulp off these rigs!!!!!!"

7. Jerry, as usual, mugs every charter or party boat he knows to catch fish.....its just silly! At one point we were so close to the Jamaica, Jerry and that boats Captain were exchanging fruit cake recipes! (either that or the other captain was calling Jerry a F*&^%$ing fruit cake for being so close to his boat!)

8. WE limit out. Ok. OK. Yes. WE finally get into the hang of the system, and we put the limit to bed. Brandon kills the big one of the day....Rubber band Pete does his usual bang-up job....Chris K, after spending about $5G's on equipment finally bags a real beast (in fact the biomass was amazing; nothing small or even medium...just gorgeous brutes and cows!), and Chris M. nails the horn fish after going 0-6! Special thanks to Jim Lee for rounding out the crew!!!!!!!!

9 . We leave the dock at 10:45pm, with bags full of tasty loins, and the satisfaction of being part of the Monger nation! Ya gotta love these guys....

Great, new, sled....
Great way to start the season.....
cant wait till next trip, next week!!!!!!!

Capt. JJ

Capt. Jerry P
06-02-2014, 11:16 AM
OK...heres the REAL report:

6. Jerry makes the turn and runs to the spot...we make bait and start hooking up immediately. We go about 1-6 on snag and drop in the first drift.....reason why we miss so many????? Jerry forgot to take off the fluke and blackfish rigs from last year!!!! "Oh, sorry Dude.....I keep thinking every trip is for fluke or tog; My Bad! Bruce get this gulp off these rigs!!!!!!"

Capt. JJ

Ur reports crack me up and get funnier every year. might have been better off with fluke rigs hahaha you guys missed so many we almost were ready to add a second snag hook on :D you guys almost gave me a stroke on the first drift


The youngin out fished all you guys and got his pb... priceless!!!

good times dude see ya next week . stereo system will b in i promise!!!

anchor joe
06-02-2014, 11:28 AM
Lets do a repeat tonight with the Anchor Joe group. Way to go guys!!!!:D:D:D:D

06-02-2014, 03:57 PM
New boat looked sweet out there Jerry . GOOD LUCK with it !!!!!!!!!!!