View Full Version : Party boat bait

05-28-2014, 07:43 PM
This might sound silly for the folks who sail regularly but for a guy who lives near cleveland etc. What bait are the fluke boats providing this year? Years ago they used to get nice big spearing and large squid and I would get a few squid filets and cut nice long strips. The last time out they told me I could not cut my own and I was stuck with spaghetti string squid and nasty spearing. The old Freddy-C on occasion would supply killies and peanut bunker when available. So I might sail out of the highlands or point.

Thx BC

05-28-2014, 08:07 PM
forget the bait and get some Gulp!

shrimpman steve
05-28-2014, 08:09 PM
We let you cut your own on the dirty shrimp:D

Seriously Brandon, I would buy squid I don't see why you can't cut it on the boat. Just ask the mates and make sure you cut on a cutting board or your cooler don't use the gunnel as a cutting board and you should be fine.

Call me and we will try and get out.

05-28-2014, 08:24 PM
Bounce a bucktail!! But I would recommend getting some killies too

05-28-2014, 09:32 PM
Bring your own bait for sure! Not sure so dont quote me but i dobt think any boats hand out squid any more and if so its a limited few along with sprearing they now use imported wana bes....i Bucktail so it don't bother me but this time of yr someday s bait out fishe . Bucktails iknow i got some pre cut strips the other day at Atlantic b&t cut by pete himself they were the thick tubes Nice stuff!

05-28-2014, 09:57 PM
This might sound silly for the folks who sail regularly but for a guy who lives near cleveland etc. What bait are the fluke boats providing this year? Years ago they used to get nice big spearing and large squid and I would get a few squid filets and cut nice long strips. The last time out they told me I could not cut my own and I was stuck with spaghetti string squid and nasty spearing. The old Freddy-C on occasion would supply killies and peanut bunker when available. So I might sail out of the highlands or point.

Thx BC

It's been years since I sailed on a party boat for fluke but it's safe to say if you want to use bait bring your own and if squid is your choice, cut it into strips the night before and keep it in a small container. Some party boats I think frown on patrons filleting their own strips for liability reasons as opposed to regulatory reasons or anything else. As someone else pointed out, many if not most people use buck tails and gulp these days but bait still accounts for it's fair share of fluke and on some days outperforms bt's. If you want peanut bunker or snappers, you'll probably have to catch them yourself at the marina prior to sailing since most party boats won't have them on board. You would need a net for the peanuts if they're in and can use a sabiki rig for the snappers or a small rod with a small hook and a small pieces of squid. Party boats provide some form of bait but I wouldn't necessarily depend on it if your picky about what you like using. I'm not sure what the regulations are this year as far as cutting strips from a fluke, I believe in '13 you were allowed to cut one fluke at sea for strips as long as you didn't dispose of the carcass at sea. Maybe someone else can comment on the '14 regs as far as that is concerned.


05-28-2014, 10:09 PM
Spearing on pink spinners has outperformed other baits including gulp and jigs in the opening days.

05-28-2014, 10:30 PM
Spearing on pink spinners has outperformed other baits including gulp and jigs in the opening days.

05-29-2014, 12:44 AM
Tip: Buy your big squids at any Asian fish market. Fresh or frozen it's half the price.

05-29-2014, 06:14 AM
On the Captain Cal we supply squid and spearing. You are free to bring anything you like. And yes you can cut your own if you like. Last year spearing was hard to come by late in the season.

05-29-2014, 07:50 AM
All they give in the Highlands is spearing. If they have fluke ribbons from the day before they pass them out but usually you catch a lot of sea robins and they make great strip bait. The J2 in Brielle is very free with squid and spearing. If I were you I'd take Shrimpmans generous offer.

05-29-2014, 08:25 AM
The best baits are something a fluke can hold on too. I too have fallen in love with gulp grubs with a high low bucktail setup.I have been fortunate enough to land a 12.6 lb and 10.5 lb in the last 2 years in NJ waters. As far as natural baits try to stay away from baits like spearing that are easily removed from the hook, when the fish are not all out engulfing the bait all you are doing is feeding them. Strips of Sea Robbin,Dog Fish belly,salmon belly, fluke or butter flied snappers are great strip baits and they stay on the hook. Other great baits are live bergals and live snappers.

05-29-2014, 09:09 AM
Tip: Buy your big squids at any Asian fish market. Fresh or frozen it's half the price.

X2 I do this and get a few of the large clean tubes from them. They are nice and thick and hang onto the hook well. I cut them at home and bring them in a zip-lock bag and keep them in my cooler. On PB I bucktail 99% of the time so gulp and some squid strips or fluke belly to tip the bottom bucktail is all you need. If you like dragging bait they usually carry spearing like most guys on her stated but I would still suggest bringing squid no matter what and your choice of peruvians or killies to tip with.

Good luck and have fun!

05-29-2014, 09:13 AM
When I was out last weekend the boat supplied spearing and I was allowed to cut my squid on their cutting board. It is best to use a bait that stays on with each missed strike, even when the bait is soft it may fall off on the way down, and that isn't as likely with squid or artificial bait.

05-29-2014, 10:12 AM
I'm not much into the "thick" squid. Shoprite has 3 pound box's of squid for $6.99. I use them whole on a double hook and when a fish tears them instead of getting hooked I cut it in strips.

05-29-2014, 06:43 PM
Have not touched bait in a few years now.. Gulp is the way to go!:D;)

05-29-2014, 08:18 PM
I agree, Gulp has it's days, but what type, size & color? There are many different types of Gulp. (Mullets, Grubs, Mantis Shrimp) in many colors (Chartreuse, Pink, White, New Penny, Nuc Chicken) in several sizes (3", 4", 5" & 6") If I understand the first post correctly, he's coming from Cleveland. If he's only going out a couple of times, at $6.99/bag, it doesn't seem worth it. If we knew where he's fishing and what part of the summer, we can narrow it down for him.

Today, I always bring my own squid because many boats don't have it. I'd also bring another bait as I've been on boats that supplied mushy bait that falls off the hook before it touches the water

05-29-2014, 08:29 PM
Thanks for the input everyone, I do have a fair share of gulp but I am old school and like dragging bait also! From what I gather the fair on most fluke boats include a nice boat ride and some spearing with a few providing squid. I will pick up a few boxes of squid and few dozen smelts etc. I am taking Shrimpy up,on his offer and heading out sometime next week ! I will make a mid summer and late summer trip also! Hopefully pics to follow!

05-29-2014, 08:35 PM
forget the bait and get some Gulp!

I agree with Drew here. I do my best fluking with 6" Gulp grubs, Nuclear Chicken and pink seem to be the ticket. There are times where boat bait might outfish the artificials, and it doesn't take much to throw some On if that's the case.

Sea Horse
05-29-2014, 09:23 PM
Bring your own bait for sure! Not sure so dont quote me but i dobt think any boats hand out squid any more and if so its a limited few along with sprearing they now use imported wana bes....i Bucktail so it don't bother me but this time of yr someday s bait out fishe . Bucktails iknow i got some pre cut strips the other day at Atlantic b&t cut by pete himself they were the thick tubes Nice stuff!

We have been supplying smelts along with the silversides/spearing for the novice bait draggers. In addition we stopped using squid a few years back and supply mackerel strips which work great. The fluke ribbons are nothing but a headache for us with the fish and game so unless an angler wants to cut his up we generally do not use it.

The 11.5lb fluke landed opening day was caught on a smelt mackerel combo.

05-29-2014, 09:38 PM
I agree, Gulp has it's days, but what type, size & color? There are many different types of Gulp. (Mullets, Grubs, Mantis Shrimp) in many colors (Chartreuse, Pink, White, New Penny, Nuc Chicken) in several sizes (3", 4", 5" & 6") If I understand the first post correctly, he's coming from Cleveland. If he's only going out a couple of times, at $6.99/bag, it doesn't seem worth it. If we knew where he's fishing and what part of the summer, we can narrow it down for him.

Today, I always bring my own squid because many boats don't have it. I'd also bring another bait as I've been on boats that supplied mushy bait that falls off the hook before it touches the water

My go to gulp is the swimming mullet in size 4in or 5in in chartreuse. And im also a fan of the grub in 6in chartreuse,

05-30-2014, 05:24 PM
We have been supplying smelts along with the silversides/spearing for the novice bait draggers. In addition we stopped using squid a few years back and supply mackerel strips which work great. The fluke ribbons are nothing but a headache for us with the fish and game so unless an angler wants to cut his up we generally do not use it.

The 11.5lb fluke landed opening day was caught on a smelt mackerel combo.



05-30-2014, 05:52 PM
Funny that's exactly what I thought when I saw this post......oops!

Sea Horse
05-30-2014, 06:44 PM
Funny that's exactly what I thought when I saw this post......oops!

Two mates two different answers on the bait the day of the catch. Capt. Ed confirmed night smelt with mackerel at the end of the trip. The part that really sucks is all of the commercial freezer/ bait suppliers claim there is going to be a shortage this summer on the silversides and night smelts.


05-30-2014, 08:04 PM
Two mates two different answers on the bait the day of the catch. Capt. Ed confirmed night smelt with mackerel at the end of the trip. The part that really sucks is all of the commercial freezer/ bait suppliers claim there is going to be a shortage this summer on the silversides and night smelts.


Don't sweat it Cap...an honest mistake in a post, you still had an 11.5 pound fish, who really gives a shit if it was caught on a spearing, a combo or what ever, this is the BS we have to deal with in an internet world. ....It's fishing guys, I could rip a hundred posts everyday on many sights daily, does it matter, does it make me a better fishermen or a more knowledgeable fishermen? Hell No, it would just make me look like an ass.....Fish on guys!!

05-30-2014, 08:19 PM
on the captain cal we supply squid and spearing. You are free to bring anything you like. And yes you can cut your own if you like. Last year spearing was hard to come by late in the season.

very good to know.. Long island ny ports give all kinds of bait, squid,sand eels, spreaing,ete. All included in the fair, about $60.00

05-30-2014, 08:45 PM
Bucktails and 4" white gulp. If they are being picky, replace the gulp on your top teaser hook with a fresh bunker strip and just start yelling "NET" when it hits the bottom.