View Full Version : Shark river fluke 5-25-14

PA Angler Matt
05-25-2014, 07:33 PM
Buddy and I rented a boat the FD at 6am and fished til about noon. Started at tennis courts early and wound up shooting to the inlet. Hit them decent for about 1-1-1/2 hours then it slowed down with the tide and picked one here and there with a few sea robins mixed in. All shorts. Beautiful day tho. My buddy caught his first fluke and a few others. So it was a fun day. Anyone else out in the shark river today?

I will be sailing out of shark river tomorrow with my buddy on his boat down there. He ran to the hook today for blues / bass and only got blues. Hoping we can find bass or fluke tomorrow. Good luck anyone fishing and happy Memorial Day!

05-26-2014, 01:47 PM
I was fishing the inlet from the jetty saturday as well as yesterday. Fished the incoming both days got a keeper fluke both days around 19 1/2in. Probly tossed back 8-10 shorts both days also. No seabirds on Saturday but there were a bunch of big ones yesterday. Big enough that I kept four of em lol. There was a few sundials around too a few were decent sized.