View Full Version : NMR Sunday Flukin' on Grateful Dad

05-25-2014, 03:05 PM
No Measurement Required today !! Our keepers were no-doubt-about'ers and the shorts were just that, no border-liners at all.

Left early out of Keyport and hit the Triangle first. It was dead, but bunkers and Blues were everywhere in the back. Headed east expecting to see the Fleet at bug-light but it was relatively empty. Caught some shorts there and joined the growing crowd just North of the Navy Pier. I could not believe how many boats were actually fishing INSIDE the white buoys there. Even more amazing is that they continued to fish the Violation Zone without any warnings given:eek: Here (in legal waters) I caught our largest of the day - the 24"er pulled the sticky Boga Grip down just past the 5 pound mark. What we noticed is that most of our bites came in 25' of water, nothing in the channels.

Bait was the ticket today. I picked up some nice Anchovies from the Asian Market and they stayed on the hook and worked well. Seeing that shallower water produced best, on a hunch I suggested we try the flats west of the pier. We rounded out our catch here and soon headed back to Keyport, pleased with our first day of FLukin' 2014. We would up with 3 keepers (between 21" and 24") and about a dozen shorts. Thanks again Jeff for the invite - always fun on/with Grateful Dad :)

05-25-2014, 03:20 PM
Larry nice report, congrats on your 24" try to amp up your skills for the Elks :D
Hoping to get out with one of the other BS:D ( Blind Squirrels ) this week.

evening tide
05-25-2014, 06:43 PM
Nice going Larry glad you got out, will be in touch for a fluke trip bass has been up and down.

Grateful Dad
05-26-2014, 08:08 AM
Was a good day to spend on the water with Larry and Pete. They have obviously been honing their ball-busting skills to a fine edge over the winter.
Here's a couple of pics from the trip: Larry opens things up with the first fish of the day, and his nice 5 lb+ that put quite a bend in his new lightweight spinning outfit...

Down Deep Sportfishing
05-26-2014, 08:19 AM
Guess the nut bustin follows you around :D Good to see you !

05-27-2014, 08:45 AM
Congrats on a NICE early season Fluke Larry. Elks here we come:D