View Full Version : Most nj ocean fishing: shut down June 3rd!

05-22-2014, 08:28 PM
If you all are sleeping, wake up and say something about the seismic testing about to happen off nj coastline...! If you think it's not close enough to effect you think again! There is a starter thread with a link to fax your protest tomorrow, but we still have time to do something... So stop reading and act! If you came to this thread it most likely raised your eyebrow enough to click on this! We need to come together fast on this guys!.... Or get some thermite and pirate flags! Get active guys!
Here's the link again to fax our government about this situation, just sign and send, and have your friends,co-workers do this as well. Please!!


05-23-2014, 08:44 AM
It took me two minutes to print the letter,address an envelope, and I'm strolling out to the mailbox momentarily,
with a cup of coffee and letter in hand.
A 49 cent stamp is not gonna kill us. This inept government will.

I'd rather be fishing.
Have safe Memorial Day weekend. God Bless our troops.
Tight lines all.
Tom K.

05-23-2014, 09:55 AM
Thanks for the link. Will do it today

05-23-2014, 09:57 AM
I just sent mine. Get on board and support this effort!