View Full Version : Gigantic Killies are here

05-22-2014, 09:48 AM
OK.. Are you ready for the fluke season??? Just arrived , our" GIGANTIC KILLER KILLIES"...just came up from our southern supplier and are eagerly waiting to be inhaled by the north Jersey fluke. From the reports that have been coming in , as fluke were being caught by accident from fisherman fishing from the surf , it looks like it will be game on starting tonight at 12:01. For those of you who would rather buck-tail , we have pre-tied rigs set up for you, and ready to go. And if you do not know how to set them up , stop by the shop and we will show you . Bucktails, Gulp , Teaser rigs , and an assortment of Fluke Rigs to get you on the big ones. Spearing, Squid ,Squid Strips, Peruvian Spearing, Squid Tubes, and Sand Eels. We will open tomorrow , opening day, at 4 am.....Our seasonal hours are Monday through Friday open at 4:30 am. Sat. and Sun. open at 4:am. Closing at 8:pm every night ,except Sunday , when we close at 7:pm.....Looking forward to seeing you all...Pete and staff