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View Full Version : Big Jamaica Wednesday 5-21

05-21-2014, 03:43 PM
We heard from the boat earlier and they were doing well with the big blues from 6 to 13lbs.
We are still looking for Striped Bass every day. They saw the big schools of bunker again today but did not catch bass today.
Later in the trip fishing was even better with lots fo surface action and plenty of blues.
There are more fish moving in every day, it looks good for up coming trips.

The Jamaica is sailing everyday at 730am.

We are also sailing magic hours on Friday 330pm- 930pm.

Night bluefish trips will sail Saturday and Sunday at 730pm.
For further information call 732-529-5014

05-21-2014, 04:11 PM
Todays pool winner was:
Ollie Merenko from Edgewater Pk, NJ with a 14Lb bluefish