Prowler 5
05-17-2014, 08:08 PM
Hey gang, Capt. Scott here. I had the boat out on both trips today. The morning trip we had 3 keeper bass and 12 shorts. We fished in the same area where I caught them on Thursday's trip, but couldn't get things going, a lot of boat traffic back there. As far as today's 3:30 trip. We are fishing in a different location. We have 10 big bass in the boat and plenty of big blues being caught tonight. Anywhere from 7 to 12 lbs. I'll post pool winners and photos tonight. Me and Rob will see you in the morning at 5:30. Capt. Jimmy Rivelli will be at the helm for tomorrow's (Sun.)3:30 trip as well as Monday's 7:30 trip and Friday's 7:30 trip. Thx., Capt. Scott.