View Full Version : FISH STIX - 5/13 Stripersssss

Fish Stix
05-13-2014, 05:39 PM
Ran open 5/13 with ismellfishy, Paul, Chris, Ginny, Mike and Jim. Got bait first thing and threw the plugs out while we were looking. Got one pretty quick. Trolled a bit more but didn't like what I saw so we moved and set up on a drift withive baits. Didn't like that either. Went over to where we had em yesterday and put the baits back in. Couple window shoppers and ismellfishy's horrible horrible rig/whatever he calls it hooks a fish and after too long loses it. Mike got one like a pro. Jim let one run but couldn't hook up. Had enough of that and put the plugs back out. Rod goes off quick, ismellfishy lost that one too, thanks drew! Picked some more and lost a couple more. Wind against tide made it tough for us. They managed 6 good ones to around 20-25lbs.

Thanks guys.


Capt Kris
http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m532/fishstixnj/BD6442DC-5E83-4290-8A9E-FA0ECD319D92_zpsq9vjfn2t.jpg (http://s1130.photobucket.com/user/fishstixnj/media/BD6442DC-5E83-4290-8A9E-FA0ECD319D92_zpsq9vjfn2t.jpg.html)

05-13-2014, 09:07 PM
my day started out bad when I slept through my alarm and my buddy Paul got a flat on his way to meet me. cursed from the start. my rig is just fine haha but today was not my day. after I lost the fish on the troll I vowed to stay as far away from the rods as possible for everyone elses sake. Kris and crew gave it hell again, but ill take the blame for today. at least no one had to watch kris eat/drink his bunker gut chum smoothie!!

Day got worse, went to the canal and proceeded to drop my first two fish.....but just rebounded with 3 blues up to 5-6lbs. great day on the water and great crew of guys, I apologize to those who got rubbed by my bad luck.......more great days to come with fosh stix and crew!

05-13-2014, 09:57 PM
Almost pissed myself when you dropped those two first fish at the canal, thought you were gonna call it quits and sell everything haha, way to stick through it and finally land some fish. Good luck on your adventure tomorrow

Fish Stix
05-14-2014, 07:03 AM
I'm glad you redeemed yourself drew. But my guess is the banana in your system, and you didn't bring Darren brownies...... Till next time...