View Full Version : Time to get those UV jigs ready!!!
05-10-2014, 06:50 PM
Its that time again... time to prep for the opener.
As I did last season, I am giving the push for UV Jigs again. UV absolutely works and I have offered to back up the tough talk by fishing side by side, with identical jigs, 1 non treated and 1 treated with anyone who doubts me. No other way to show my faith in this UV thing!
UV and UV Glow are very important for 95% of the fish we catch. Im not saying that you will not catch a fish on a non UV jig... Im saying you will catch 10X more with a UV jig. :)
Below is an example of glow and UV glow....
FISH SEE UV..... and UV Glow is the most effective way to catch them in depths up to 650 feet. ;)
05-10-2014, 06:57 PM
Its that time again... time to prep for the opener.
As I did last season, I am giving the push for UV Jigs again. UV absolutely works and I have offered to back up the tough talk by fishing side by side, with identical jigs, 1 non treated and 1 treated with anyone who doubts me. No other way to show my faith in this UV thing!
UV and UV Glow are very important for 95% of the fish we catch. Im not saying that you will not catch a fish on a non UV jig... Im saying you will catch 10X more with a UV jig. :)
Below is an example. Left to right: We have normal glow type head - super glow head - UV Glow head.
FISH SEE UV..... and UV Glow is the most effective way to catch them in depths up to 650 feet. ;)
according to the scientists as Berkley , there are actually very few fish that have the receptors to see UV.
They said that Trout, Salmon and some minnows can def see it ( UV spread from trout fishing as im sure you know)
But they claimed that salt water fish do not have the ability to see it.And that if they did they would add it to their products
But as with anything I am still going to try it fluking this summer and make my own decision as maybe the fish are seeing something different than the actual UV glow making the bait easier to see.
05-10-2014, 07:23 PM
according to the scientists as Berkley , there are actually very few fish that have the receptors to see UV.
They said that Trout, Salmon and some minnows can def see it ( UV spread from trout fishing as im sure you know)
But they claimed that salt water fish do not have the ability to see it.And that if they did they would add it to their products
But as with anything I am still going to try it fluking this summer and make my own decision as maybe the fish are seeing something different than the actual UV glow making the bait easier to see.
Talk to Peter Pakula ( Pakula Lures) about these companies that make these claims. He has been using it since the late 80's and his lures have been wining bill fish, tuna tournaments worldwide using a basic design that is nothing fancy, aside from his use of UV, fluorescence and UV blockers. ;)
I can offer up as many " scientific studies & papers" on saltwater fish seeing UV that you wanna read. Here is the issue at hand.... to get the proper formula, it gets expensive. A company such as the one you mentioned, does not spend that money. The products that your paying $4 or $5 for.... as a fisherman, is costing them pennies.
Here is my challenge.... find me a "SALESMAN" from these giant corporations that knows as much about fishing that you know, or I know or any charter captain for that matter. These guys are salesmen.... thats what they are paid for. Last thing they are going to do is send you off to buy another product, other than their own.
My big push on UV was because these big companies and factories were pushing out "UV LURES" that were NOT actually UV! Look back to my original posts..... and you will see that I stated that from the start. This is not about my products.... its about fishermen buying the right products, from whoever they choose. ;)
So maybe.... just maybe.... the testing that was done , may have been done using the wrong formulas??? Since so many of them sell UV lures that are fluorescent, not UV?
Here is my first question ( I have more) for your sales reps that claim saltwater fish cant see UV..
Q1 - How are these fish seeing / using their eyes at depths of say.... 250 feet?
The "non UV" light has been long filtered out already, so the only way they can see is to use UV waves to see. If these fish did not need eyes.... they would not have them, such as cave fish..... nature does not keep what it does not use. Species that do not need eyes, no longer have them. Cave fish do not have them because UV is totally absent in a cave environment. Otherwise, Tilefish, cod, pollack, ling, and many more species would also no longer have eyes.
Whoever is making this claim does not understand UV fully. Yup... I said it. :D
Otherwise..... they are selling you their products..... just like a good salesman does.
You have to also understand that Berkeley, Zebco, Penn, Quantum, and many other brands are ALL OWNED by a single company - Pure Fishing. These brands are not the same as they once were 20 years ago.... they have all been purchased and re-designed to take a share of the market. Rather than compete with a brand they have bought the competition and changed the way they sell it.
I respect your comments here..... but I am certain enough to say that they are not true and you are being mislead. Which is EXACTLY why is went on my campaign to explain and educate fishermen about UV. You can buy UV items elsewhere.... its not about you buying from just me. I just want to make sure you guys know what your buying. ( all of this has been said from the start, last year)
05-10-2014, 07:53 PM
I know the answer they will come back with..... that light is visible deeper than 250' . Yes.... to certain types of eyes, not human eyes and eyes similar to human eyes that CAN NOT SEE UV. Send a diver down to a certain depth and ask them what they see..... aside from darkness.
I have done plenty of research over the last 3 or 4 years, as well as testing. My findings.... the research is mostly speculation. The testing is cold hard results.
I have no problem engaging any sales rep that makes the claim that saltwater fish cant see UV. Mostly because half the species would not survive if they relied only on scent.
I had 3 brands send me UV lures that were not UV, they were glow and fluorescent. This is why I started this whole UV thread..... because the other 99% of the shops are trusting these guys and selling a product that is not what it says it is. The end result is fishermen decide UV does not work and its all because they were not using it from the start.
Go look up Pakula Lures. This guy is the master at UV, Fluorescence and Glow! His lures are basic in shape & design, bit his UV is DEADLY around the WORLD, not just here in The NE, where a select few own the local forums and sell their brands. :)
I have helped many members buy products from other dealers....
05-10-2014, 08:20 PM
I know I ramble on and on.... :D
I am not trying to tell you buy my jig and dont buy Gulp! ..... I am only trying to suggest that you add some sort of UV to your presentation for better results.
I put my daughter on a boat, with a UV Jig and watched her out fish 5 guys. My son has won several "fun bets" doing the same. I have jokingly pissed off many guys doing the same.
Thats why I say I will fish side by side, with the same exact item, and loser has to publicly eat crow when its over.
This is something thats been 3 to 4 years of questions, misunderstandings, mistakes and learning for me. I did not stumble upon it 2 months ago. I came out swinging with it because of the false advertising by select brands. We have been trying to fully understand it for some time now. All I can honestly say is that any UV jig/lure out fishes the same product without the UV treatment. These results are overwhelming.
Fluorescence also helps catch fish. But the combination of the 2 merged together is deadly!
After my novel here.... I hope its clear on my intentions and what I am attempting to get out. At no point have I said MY ITEMS, BUY FROM ME, MINE IS BEST or anything like that. I am pushing guys to items of brands that I do not even sell.
And.... I am not attacking Hammer4Reel either. Although I am doubting the rep that fed him false information, but again.... thats why I started this. Theres too much BS out there from guys who have no clue.
I have a solid customer base of charter guys around the country for halibut, tuna, cod, grouper over the last 2 years who return to us month after month for UV items. These guys are on the water daily.... I trust them over a guy sitting in an office very day. :)
There is false info on both sides of the argument. For example: There are studies claiming UV only penetrates 200', others at 100', some at 2500' ( no way on that one)...... what I can tell you from experience and the actual catching of fish is that it works to about 600- 650' that we have proved.... Everything else is just hear say for me.
05-11-2014, 02:07 AM
Just placed my order!
05-11-2014, 07:34 AM
Thats why I made 100 UV bucktails to try.
will try for myself to see which way the chips fall.
One thing I will say about Pure fishing is thier responses to questions asked are usually very quickly recieved, and backed with information to show their reasoning.
And if something works they are going to make.
And as far as the SIDE BY SIDE. you tell me when
Capt. Lou
05-12-2014, 06:30 PM
UV like flo products on any given day may excel over standard lure colors, however that being said I would certainly like to fish these products side by side on standard jig use. Whic I will do this season. I have already used them offshore but not to the degree that I can state they r the ticket.
I believe fish like fluke or stripers that r basically fished in shallow water @ slow speeds may be induced to hit a brighter lure sans a baitfish color but under certain conditions, I personally never have done much better on glo products in the past. This covers both salt & fresh applications!
I fully realize their is a differance in how the prouct generates a glow so to speak but Im also a firm beiliever in proper lure presentation or fresh bait applications as being a key ingrdient for many species.
Offshore at 7+ knots or burning a popper to tuna, color may be key on occasion however on other days its a bait game!
Taking several dozen big eyes on lures several record size Ive felt the attraction of the lure was in how it ran thru the pattern not on visibilty per se.
Most of my success was keyed in on a lure that would churn up the suds & imitate a school or a fish fleeing at flank speed!
Im more inclined to lend a certain amount of credance to a bait skirts color since they r generally dragged at slower RPM'S.
Im also covinced the flash & swim abiltiy of a trolled natural bait sans the skirt is key.
In all cases ya gotta be on the fish to illicit strikes !!! The proof will certainly be in the pudding as they say. More guys fishing these products will fast prive their worth.
It would be nice to say this lure has earned a place on my boat!:cool:
05-13-2014, 06:27 AM
Did some independent field testing of UV coated jigs including this "Bluerunner" (UV coated over Pearl white with Bright Blue glow)to emulate the bait fish here in FLA ( New tackle shop believers were made of the product). Dropped this jig down into 100+ ft depths, tipped with a glow soft plastic lure being field tested for another lure maker and nailed some nice sized Red Groupers. Tried some standard colored jig heads but the UV coated jig produced more, so there seems to be validity to the claims. Just my .02
05-14-2014, 03:40 PM
H4H.... I may be a Lil harsh using Berkley alone here. I'm talking the big corporate companies in general, not necessarily Berkley alone.
Years back, Berkley made a trolling lure with a chip in it that attracted fish. It was by far an awesome lure and it worked as good in better than any other lure I used. After a year or two, they yanked the product because it looked bad on paper, not because of its performance. Some big wig I'm an office made the call to stop production because of a spread sheet, not because it didn't work.
This is the example I am attempting to make when these larger companies try to down play something they don't sell. Guys like yourself, my customers ..... know what's working, but this level of employee is not part of the decisions on what to make and not make. It sucks and I don't trust the process. I didn't mean it to sound like Berkley was a bad company. Hell.... they gave us Gulp!, one of the best products made. But a suit & tie sitting in his office calls the shots, not the reps on the water. So please excuse me if I made it sound like Berkley alone was my bitch.
Shoot me a PM. Curious which formula you used? The glow will matter in some cases and I have all that info stored away from the last few years . I have no doubt that your UV lures are gonna produce. And yes.... let's get out and fish and put it to the test. I am not claiming to be a better fisherman than anybody. I'm talking same tackle, same technique, 1 untreated and 1 treated. 99.9% of the time the UV product out fishes the non UV products. I watched rookies out fish me using this testing method. I only offer to do this because too many times we hear about something great, but nobody is willing to back it up. I'm confident enough to back it up after a few years of testing.
Shark Gypsy
Grouper are UV junkies! I have several guys from Florida and Texas that use it down there so you should see a welcoming reception to your jigs in that area. I used a few boats as test boats too.... since we don't have that fishery up our way. Again.... it's gonna make a difference and the shops that take it on will be repeat buyers I'm sure. For some reason, seems that the snowy grouper respond to UV jigs and only UV for a few boats down there. We had a few members here get them using UV Spanko's.
I guess this is the year we see what the public thinks. Enough guys are using it now so it should be fun to see how it all goes.
05-14-2014, 05:20 PM
Shark Gypsy
Grouper are UV junkies! I have several guys from Florida and Texas that use it down there so you should see a welcoming reception to your jigs in that area. I used a few boats as test boats too.... since we don't have that fishery up our way. Again.... it's gonna make a difference and the shops that take it on will be repeat buyers I'm sure. For some reason, seems that the snowy grouper respond to UV jigs and only UV for a few boats down there. We had a few members here get them using UV Spanko's.
That's good.:rolleyes:..Fleetwood Mac sings a song about a Gypsy, I SPY. a day later and a dollar short I guess..LOL....
Had great reception and reaction from the Snowys, Scamps, Gags and Reds, was truly interesting to watch how they produced. Even the Red snapper clobbered them, I mean as soon as they hit bottom, Time after Time ( But that was Cyndy Lauper ;) Maybe the FLA sun baked my brain as my excuse. LMAO ) although unfair, some of those had rattles too :D Had some really good action reported on blank, unpainted ebay jigs I picked up and also dipped in UV. So UV seems to be the ticket on almost ANY jig...
05-15-2014, 06:15 AM
Thats why I made 100 UV bucktails to try.
will try for myself to see which way the chips fall.
One thing I will say about Pure fishing is thier responses to questions asked are usually very quickly recieved, and backed with information to show their reasoning.
And if something works they are going to make.
And as far as the SIDE BY SIDE. you tell me when
Looking forward to seeing the end results of your testing as well. I'm sure you will see some great results on your jigs too.
05-15-2014, 06:26 PM
Hammer- let me know when you're ready to do some drops. Have some ready for the field...playing with the paint effects to design a more life like fish look vs. solid coloring across the jigs as most fish have patterns and lines throughout...match the hatch seems to be working very well
06-13-2014, 07:32 AM
Holy crap........ whoever was offended that I looked at a screen name the wrong way needs to lighten up. :confused:
Sharkispy..... Sharkgpsy..... my bad I guess. I had to come clean and say that my mistake on a screen name was 100% error. Now that I see the screen name.... I can tell you I will do it again probably, because I am just not the " I Spy " type I Guess.
Trust me..... if I have something to say... you all know I am going to just say it!!! As I have in the past!!! I never intended to play baby games. Sh*t like this is exactly why I don't bother with these forums anymore. They are all quickly becoming a waste of money & time. :rolleyes:
I was told that I offended so many of you, by posting a screen name wrong, while engaging in an actual conversation about fishing, with no negative comments in it at all. If so..... my bad. I have been reading his screen name as Sharkgypsy for years now..... but c'mon..... lighten up! What the hell is a Shark Gypsy anyway??? You guys need to get real problems if I really offended "tons of you!! "
To the minority that read the thread as normal conversation, you were right in doing so. Thats all it was....... :rolleyes:
06-13-2014, 07:31 PM
Holy crap........ whoever was offended that I looked at a screen name the wrong way needs to lighten up. :confused:
Sharkispy..... Sharkgpsy..... my bad I guess. I had to come clean and say that my mistake on a screen name was 100% error. Now that I see the screen name.... I can tell you I will do it again probably, because I am just not the " I Spy " type I Guess.
Trust me..... if I have something to say... you all know I am going to just say it!!! As I have in the past!!! I never intended to play baby games. Sh*t like this is exactly why I don't bother with these forums anymore. They are all quickly becoming a waste of money & time. :rolleyes:
I was told that I offended so many of you, by posting a screen name wrong, while engaging in an actual conversation about fishing, with no negative comments in it at all. If so..... my bad. I have been reading his screen name as Sharkgypsy for years now..... but c'mon..... lighten up! What the hell is a Shark Gypsy anyway??? You guys need to get real problems if I really offended "tons of you!! "
To the minority that read the thread as normal conversation, you were right in doing so. Thats all it was....... :rolleyes:
Did you finally get that UV paint in yet? I emailed you about 6 times so far...anything yet?
06-13-2014, 09:09 PM
All these talks about uv paint got me interested. So I got some uv paint and put them on bucktails made from Sam's jigs.
The second pic is under UV light. Looks pretty good in person, but didn't come out too well in pics. Will put them to use and report back. ;)
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