View Full Version : what rigs for ling?

05-10-2014, 12:01 PM
I normally catch them on sea bass rigs while targeting sea bass. Should I do something differnet if ling is the target?

05-10-2014, 03:23 PM
Just a loop for the weight with about 12-15 inches of line with a 2.0-4.0 octopus hook at the end so it lays on the bottom. No swivels. You could put another hook up a little higher. As you say sometimes they hit that. I gotta get mine together for the Angler tomorrow.

05-10-2014, 06:41 PM
We sell the hell out of the Deep Water Ling Rig! This rig has replaced 6 or 7 others we once offered. It is hand tied by a NJ Fishing member too.... eliminating that poor quality coming out of a factory.

Rigs are on top of my list of things that I do not trust a factory worker with. They can care less if you lose fish or not

This rig is NOT a hi - low style! Take a good look at the photo. It places your bait in the perfect position... rather than the high/low style rigs. :)


05-10-2014, 10:46 PM
1/0- 2/0 hooks, 2 hook tamdam tied,just off the sinker.. if anyone tells you different they are kiddy them selfs.. good luck.. today i had pb of 43 ling in 4 hrs..

05-11-2014, 02:21 PM
Inshore two 2/0s down low. Offshore I generally use a hi lo. If ling are thick in the deep, plenty on the hi hook, plus often get a few bigger ones up high for some reason.

05-11-2014, 05:44 PM
I was using my style today on the Angler. Had 6 ling. The guy next to me had a hi-lo seabass rig and had about 15. I quess it really doesn't matter if the ling sees the bait he goes after it.

05-11-2014, 11:54 PM
Once again, I'm glad I don't live near Tom , if I remembered every nice thing he showed me, I'd be looking for a second job and fishing a lot less