View Full Version : Grateful Dad Saturday 5/3

Grateful Dad
05-03-2014, 06:07 PM
Finally got out to do a little bassin' after this brutal winter. Headed out of Keyport around 8:30 with plenty of clams and chum. Didn't want to head outside, so we set up in a likely spot near Round Shoal and waited on the fish. And waited. A couple of trollers near us picked up a couple, read some fish, and then Larry shook the skunk by boxing a nice 34" fish.
Couldn't ask for better weather today. Was good to get out with some good buddies and get some meat on the first splash of the season.

05-03-2014, 07:11 PM
It's always a great day on the Grateful Dad. Thanks for the invite Jeff - aqua-therapy was just what I needed. "It was a slow-pick, then it tapered off" :p Fun times, great company, perfect weather and some good eats - a great start to a promising season . . .