View Full Version : Good day with mikeytopaz

05-03-2014, 04:50 PM
Started early in the back clamming got four keepers and then they stopped chewing so we headed out front on the troll and picked up two more. Water temps out front was 52-53.8....almost just right. Great day on the water an absolute gorgeous day on the Kathy k as usual. I'm sure Mikey will post pics later. Catch em up everyone enjoy the weekend I'm now waiting to see mayweather get his @ss kicked on ppv tonight god I hope so. Tight lines

05-03-2014, 08:11 PM
Yea, yea, yeaaaaaaa, I heard all about this trip! Did anyone save me a fillet? I just need enough for a sammich or two fish tacos. LOL, good job GOOBERS!!!!!:D

05-03-2014, 08:39 PM
Yea right Mikey had that grill fired up once he set the hook lol....we actually went hunting and when we were butchering the deer he had the grill going and throwing the meat right on....no joke