View Full Version : NJMFC Meeting Report 5-1-14

Angler Paul
05-02-2014, 12:17 AM
NJMFC Meeting Report 5-1-14

At the NJMFC meeting on 5/1/14 the council voted in favor of the special pilot program for Island Beach State Park. The program will allow fishermen fishing from shore there to have a bag limit of 2 fluke at 16" or greater. The program will be closely monitored with intent of gathering data that can be compared to the MRIP data. However, this will not go into effect until some time after the 5/23 opening of the fluke season. The regulation has to be further developed, reviewed and then signed off on by DEP Commissioner Bob Martin before it becomes law.. The program may be expanded further next year is it is successful and approved by the ASMFC.
The NJMFC also voted to write letters opposing seismic blasting off of Barnegat Inlet. They also voted to write letters opposing sand being taken from lumps such as Manasquan Inlet to use for beach replenishment.

Paul Haertel
President, JCAA

05-02-2014, 02:49 AM
Thanks for the info.. Good news for the surf fishermen