Sea Horse
04-25-2014, 08:27 PM
Hey Gang,
Capt. Eddie reported a solid day of bass fishing today. There were multiple limits landed onboard and a few dozen keepers for a fair crowd. There were very few shorts landed and the pool fish was 25lbs plus. Unfortunate I left the camera chip on the boat along with the pool winners name, so I will post it up tomorrow.
Please note we are chartered on tomorrows AM trip and will resume sailing open Sunday morning, sailing 730-230PM.
Capt. Eddie reported a solid day of bass fishing today. There were multiple limits landed onboard and a few dozen keepers for a fair crowd. There were very few shorts landed and the pool fish was 25lbs plus. Unfortunate I left the camera chip on the boat along with the pool winners name, so I will post it up tomorrow.
Please note we are chartered on tomorrows AM trip and will resume sailing open Sunday morning, sailing 730-230PM.