View Full Version : Effect of cold winter on tuna season?

04-23-2014, 03:14 AM
It seems like the unusually long winter has delayed all species in general and I was wondering what your opinion was for tuna.
About to put down deposit for fall yellowfin trips and wanted to pick the best window as i can't afford to get skunked like last year. After I got skunked 2 out of 3, and only had a small longfin to show for it when i didn't, wife is not letting me go as many times as i want this year.:mad: so i gotta maximize my chances.
Thinking of booking first 2 weeks in October.
Any ideas? :D

04-23-2014, 03:37 AM
wouldnt over think it. for yellowfin its all about the gulf stream and the slightly warmer water that eddies off of it. it can be a slow season, then a good body of water rollls over the bank loaded with yellowfin and swordfish and you have the trip of your life. you go the week before or after that happens and you might catch nothing. the best bet is to try to delay booking as late as possible and be ready to get on a boat and go at a moments notice when the bite is on. not always possible, so if you have to book far in advance, might try booking around the moons

04-23-2014, 04:28 AM
nj- feel your pain, blown out by weather though past 2 years when trips were scheduled. Dino puts it into good perspective. Depends on the water and Gulf flow.Have seen great fishing in July some years, sometimes later. If we're fortunate and see some of the warmer weather called for this summer combined with the flow along the canyons, should turn up the bite. Good luck this year!!

04-23-2014, 06:59 AM
You won't know until you get there.

Gerry Zagorski
04-23-2014, 07:33 AM
October is historically the best month. Only problem is the weather gets unsettled and lots of trips get blown out. If however you can get out the fishing is usually lights out.

04-23-2014, 08:03 AM
I usually find that late Sept-early Oct are best. I also find that less pressure (FISH MON-FRI) is quite helpful. I booked two trips the last two weeks in September. Anyway, I continually hear how the fishing is delayed due to the long & cold winter. I DON'T SEE IT!!!!! Stripers are on schedule compared to last year. They showed up mid April in the Raritan and guess what, they are here this year.....mid april. So, as far as bass are concerned.....they are on schedule. Good luck with the tuna. Who are you booking with? Also, you may want to get a July bluefin trip in. The past several seasons have been more productive for me compared to YFT. I fish with Sykk Physh for bluefin. MR charters also does well with bluefin. Good luck.

Ol Pedro
04-23-2014, 09:09 AM
Every year is different. If I had to pick I would go last week of September , first week of October . I like it better when we have more defined temp breaks later in the Season.

04-23-2014, 12:16 PM
Thanks for the replies, guys.
I guess you never know what happens. Will go ahead and book as usual.
I usually book well in advance because I like corner stern spots, so I try to book as soon as tuna schedule comes out.
I usually book a few trips starting mid/late September, until mid October, and a couple trips get blown out.
BUT last year, nothing was blown out and the fishing SUCKED on my trips!! :eek:
Thanks again. tight lines.

04-23-2014, 12:19 PM
If possible choose a longer trip!!! I like those 48-50 hr trips on the Gambler. The longer trip gives you more shots at the fish. You get a nite bite, day bite , nite bite then another day bite!!! Plus MAhi and bottom/tile fishing duringthe "off" times etc. 1 st trip i got the skunk on day one and 13 assorted tuna on day 2 , and a few tile, 2nd trip hooked 1 first day and hooked 4 second day landed 2(was get by braid once) but they were big yellows !!! the longer trip lets you recover and captain time to find the fish!!!! Go big or go home!!! I am hoping to get out for at least 1 50hr trip this year~!!!

04-23-2014, 12:27 PM
It is always hard to tell before it comes that time. By that time of year though, there will usually be fish somewhere within reach so you need to book a boat that is willing to find the fish. Not sure who you go out with but may be a lack of effort on their part. Not trying to proclaim they did not put effort in though. Just a thought. We still have several days available that time of year for booking. Like i said though, it's tough to say when for sure the fishing will be hot. Give a call if interested.

04-24-2014, 01:20 AM
There is plenty of warm water out here now!!! inshore really doesn't effect out deep too much.
The Cetacean observer crew had a whale of a time over the last two days, hundreds of sightings between pods of dolphins, sperm whales, humpback whales, beaked whales, basking sharks, even I stayed up during the day shift long enough to see small pods of Pilot whales within naked eye distance of the ship just after sunrise!

Joey Dah Fish
04-24-2014, 07:57 PM
It seems like the unusually long winter has delayed all species in general and I was wondering what your opinion was for tuna.
About to put down deposit for fall yellowfin trips and wanted to pick the best window as i can't afford to get skunked like last year. After I got skunked 2 out of 3, and only had a small longfin to show for it when i didn't, wife is not letting me go as many times as i want this year.:mad: so i gotta maximize my chances.
Thinking of booking first 2 weeks in October.
Any ideas? :D

If you got the skunk 2 of 3 sounds like your fishing the wrong boat brother

nate chud
04-24-2014, 08:07 PM
spend a little extra and take a six man charter .Less people to deal with and more time to fish

04-24-2014, 08:41 PM
If you got the skunk 2 of 3 sounds like your fishing the wrong boat brother

lol.. perhaps.
But to give them a little credit, I've done pretty well in the last 5 or so years I've fished with them. made out 2-3 times per year and got skunked only once or twice.. well until last year.
If I recall correctly, others in the fleet came up empty as well.

I did think about six pack charter, but I think I prefer to be on a larger boat when I'm that far out, especially fishing in October when the weather can get sketchy real quick. :eek:

Ol Pedro
04-25-2014, 01:22 PM
If you got the skunk 2 of 3 sounds like your fishing the wrong boat brother

I know the boat that NJboarder has been fishing on and they try hard. Everyone gets snake bit once in a while. I wish that he would come out with us more often.

04-25-2014, 01:27 PM
GO EARLY AND DO NOT OVERNIGHT.. imho I have not seen a good night bite in a long time, many years, and to be honest, i would look south in the early parts of the year, if your looking for charter boat you can go from anywhere as long as you book someone looking to make a run... Call rich at jersey hooker, he will run where he needs.

But when they bite starts ripping in the washington, you are not gonig to see many people making that long ass run down there to catch you fish.

04-25-2014, 06:48 PM
Every Sponser Capt on here will do you right. Personally we have been very fortunate last couple of years with Capt Dave on Jenny Lee Sportfishing. Check them out and I guarantee you wont be disappointed. For our crew the 6 pack charters work the best and I think to be successful the biggest key is being flexible on dates. None of these 6 pack captains will EVER put you in danger especially in OCT but again that's where being flexible comes in. We leave a 3 day window on either side of our preferred date to obtain the best bite and weather window. Sometimes we have even had to move it a week but it does pay off if you can do it. Of course going more often also improves your chances but if you cant talk with the Captains as the season develops, they hate getting skunked more than you!

I assume by your posts that you go with Capt Bobby on the Gambler. We have seen him on every trip so you are on one of the best Tuna PB boats if I am correct that is your boat of choice. Don't get "stuck" on the corner stern spot and having to book early. As the season develops there will be room to go when you need to and believe me other spots on the boats will "Catch" if you cant get the stern.

To each his own but I will say we have killed them both day and night and hope to repeat again this year. Usually fish 1st , 2nd or 3rd week of Oct on JL. PM me if interested as there can be last minute openings. Two years ago we had Bigeyes, Longfins, yellow fins during the day and 2 Swords plus YF at night. Last year we killed the YF at night (over 20 in the box and then CR from midnight to sunrise) Nothing on the day troll. So go often, go overnight and Good luck.

Pennsy Guy
04-25-2014, 08:34 PM
As far as overnights, I remember coming in at 7AM with 126 YFTs, another trip same time with 106 YFs(both before limits), 2 yrs ago, same deal with everone with a limit...you don't really know if it's gonna be a day or night bit-you can only hope there will be a bite. Sometime it's a pick for the entire trip, sometime it's not...hell, if you knew where & when they would be on the feed, you could just run out, catch the limit and spend the balance goin' for tiles, mahi or lookin for a wolf pack...after doing 48-50 hr trips, I did an overnighter(24hr) and did it seem short!--but that's me....As is the general consensus, late Sept/early Oct is best ALTHOUGH first 2 trips I mentioned were on the first Tuesday after Labor Day...last trip was Oct 10...just go... Always plan on at least one trip blown out, maybe two so book accordingly, but you know that....and tight lines NJ....

Pennsy Guy
04-25-2014, 08:37 PM
Ol Pedro, Dennis is going on his last trip on the first 48, hope you can make it....

Canyon Runner
04-26-2014, 07:06 AM
Guys - long ago Sept and Oct used to be the best months. But no more. Over the past 8 years we've averaged about 25 yellowfin a trip in June and July and only 6-8 a trip in August and September. Last year wasn't even close. By July 31 we caught over 50 big-eye and 1700 yellowfin and started in very early June. From August 1 to October yes the big-eye bite continued but we only caught about another 300 yellowfin and we had an extra month to do it. In fact - we caught more big-eyes in August than yellowfin - go figure!

Our calendar would also prove this out. All our repeat customers know this fact about when the fishing is best because they are the ones that actually experience it year in and year out. As such, we have filled up both boats in June and July with only a couple dates left open while we only booked a single trip in September and October combined so far.

That's right - 75 overnighters already on the books for June & July and some in early August while we only have 1 in September booked and none in October.

What does this tell you? All the guys that have fished with us over the past 8 years know the better fishing is by far in June and July and if lucky spills over to early August. Fact is, we have no idea why the fishery change but only hard proof of it when we review our records and look at our calendar to see that we are 40 overnighters on the books for June already between the boats.

Pennsy Guy
04-26-2014, 10:46 PM
Guys - long ago Sept and Oct used to be the best months. But no more. Over the past 8 years we've averaged about 25 yellowfin a trip in June and July and only 6-8 a trip in August and September. Last year wasn't even close. By July 31 we caught over 50 big-eye and 1700 yellowfin and started in very early June. From August 1 to October yes the big-eye bite continued but we only caught about another 300 yellowfin and we had an extra month to do it. In fact - we caught more big-eyes in August than yellowfin - go figure!

Our calendar would also prove this out. All our repeat customers know this fact about when the fishing is best because they are the ones that actually experience it year in and year out. As such, we have filled up both boats in June and July with only a couple dates left open while we only booked a single trip in September and October combined so far.

That's right - 75 overnighters already on the books for June & July and some in early August while we only have 1 in September booked and none in October.

What does this tell you? All the guys that have fished with us over the past 8 years know the better fishing is by far in June and July and if lucky spills over to early August. Fact is, we have no idea why the fishery change but only hard proof of it when we review our records and look at our calendar to see that we are 40 overnighters on the books for June already between the boats.

Now there's food for thought!!!!!!!!One problem is some of us only fish PB's for various reasons, and they are fishing inshore 'til some point in Sept...Quite a conundrum.....

Ol Pedro
04-28-2014, 10:09 AM
No doubt Canyon Runner catches um up and are not afraid of traveling. Evening troll , chunk night , morning troll is a good combination to put meat in the boat. What's the troll to chunk ratio ? Unless you head way South doesn't the troll bite shut down around the end of September ? Is that why booking's are not so good for them in September/October ? I prefer to be out on a big boat in October . The best chunk bites that I have ever been on have been in late September/early October.