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04-22-2014, 10:55 AM


04-22-2014, 10:58 AM
and a bigger cooler.

04-22-2014, 11:04 AM
Shame they killed her... Aint gonna taste too good baking in the sun, either.

04-22-2014, 11:18 AM
Shame they killed her... Aint gonna taste too good baking in the sun, either.

Couldn't agree with you more.......

04-22-2014, 03:02 PM
Does anyone other than me find it strange these guys were trying to avoid anyone knowing about this catch! A 805 lb mako, possibly world record catch caught from the surf, and these guys were trying to avoid publicity! I wouldn't be surprised there was a sizable reward from equipment manufacturers if the fish was indeed a world record so why would they go out of their way to keep their once in a lifetime catch under wraps?

Take a look at the videos on line and tell me if this mako is a short fin or long fin mako. I know it's a huge fish but based on the length of the pectoral fins that mako sure looks like a long fin to me and if so I believe long fin makos are illegal to retain. In the interview the guys said the fish was spent but if you look at the video that girl was full of energy when she hit the beach. I'm not trying to take away from how impressive this catch is but something doesn't sound right that the guys involved would want to keep this under wraps. Doesn't make any sense?

Look at the video on line and I'd be curious what others thoughts are. I've caught a few long fin makos over the years and the pectoral fins are significantly larger than the short fin. Look at the length on this shark, in my opinion it's a long fin and it should have been released since they are illegal to retain. Truly a trophy fish and if it is a short fin, congratulations to the anglers who hauled her in. If it's a long fin non the other hand and they knowingly knew that which is why they tried keeping it under wraps, they should be prosecuted accordingly.


04-22-2014, 04:08 PM
Just looking at the pics provided in the articles, I say shortfin. Longfins have a distinctly darker chin. That open mouth shot shows off a bright white chin. The large pec fins are b/c it's an 800 lb beast lol... Doesnt have the tell-tale wiry body type of a longfin either.

Captain Rich
04-22-2014, 04:14 PM
There is another issue here. To catch/retain s shark you need a
Federal HMS pelagic permit. These are issued to boat anglers, not beach fisherman. I think that's why this was kept on the down low.

04-23-2014, 10:43 AM
You might be right about the permit. There is no way someone catches a world record shark from the surf and shies away from the attention. It might be the permit as you say. The reason I suggested a long fin is the pectoral fins just seem disproportionately larger than normal even realizing it is an 800lb shark. The anglers comment about the fish being exhausted from the fight just doesn't make sense when you look at the video and see it thrashing in the surf. That shark was very alive when landed..

Either way that is one impressive catch in spite of the circumstances. Never knew makos inhabited inshore waters like that, especially one of this size. Between the huge hammerhead caught in Florida earlier this year from shore and this one, those are two very impressive catches.


shrimpman steve
04-23-2014, 05:30 PM
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. That's why I don't swim in the ocean.

04-24-2014, 04:16 AM
definitely a shortfin mako... there are some huge mako sharks in the Gulf of mexico and every spring for a few weeks they will come in tight to the beach along the west coast and panhandle of Florida specifcally to feed on the migration of tarpon and cobia up the coast. never nice to see a big breeder fish lying dead in the back of a pickup truck baking in the sun, but after reading the story I totally give these guys the benefit of the doubt. they are dedicated anglers who fish the surf for sharks. yes, you heard that right, this fish was caught off the surf! excellent achievement. to me, the biggest challenge to the stocks is still guys taking the small ones.. you will notice when people post a fishing report and quote a mako catch in inches instead of pounds--- that is for one reason.. they are embarassed to say they took a 65lb mako! looks a lot nicer to say they had an 72" mako. a story like this reminds us of what the ocean can produce, and what is there for the taking as fisherman, if we just give them the chance to grow for a few years. great catch from some good fisherman. i think the reason they were being a bit cagey about the catch instead of reporting it to news media is all the criticism they would catch from social media once it went viral.

04-24-2014, 09:52 AM
I agree 100% with Dino. This 800 lb fish will probably weigh more then all the winning sharks weighed in mako rodeo, mania etc combined. In six weeks on new jersey websites and docks you will see guys straddling 140 lbers lifting their noses to show their teeth like they just harpooned a Kraken. I always get a good laugh out of those shots and I am embarrassed that I used to do it as well. These guys caught an 800 lb fish from the beach. I tip my cap.

04-24-2014, 06:50 PM
Damn!! Thats a monster!!