View Full Version : Another dead small mako

04-22-2014, 10:23 AM
last ping from this shark is from a portuguese fishing port ! looks like it was caught just offshore of baltimore canyon. http://www.ocearch.org/profile/rizzilient/

04-22-2014, 02:51 PM
It amazes me how many small mako sharks I've seen brought back to the docks over the years. Some people are so mesmerized at catching a shark I'm not even sure they realize they're breaking the law and the fish is well below the size limit. I've seen makos which I don't think have measured more than 40 inches being cut up. When you mention it to the guys cutting it they resent your comments. Unfortunately the few times I've reported it to the authorities no one showed up.

It's a sad situation sharks are in and all fish for that matter with the commercial fishing pressure and in the case of sharks recreational fishing pressure as well. I remember posting a few years ago on this site about a very small thresher which was kept on a party boat and apparently the captain of the party boat went off the dial. Until and if ever these fish are protected, they won't stand a chance and eventually these fish will be pushed to the brink of extinction. From the map you posted it looks like someone travels half way across the Atlantic to catch a 90 lb mako, there's no place on the planet that's a safe harbor for these fish. It's nothing short of tragic how human greed by a few eventually destroys everything for the majority.


04-23-2014, 03:23 AM
yeah its pretty sad. OCEARCH tagged 3 makos between 80 and 100lbs, and 1 blueshark, last august off montauk. 2 of the makos and the blueshark are already caught.

04-24-2014, 06:53 PM
Its a shame