View Full Version : FISH TANK - Flounder Report 4/19

Fish Tank
04-21-2014, 02:37 PM
Hey gang! After this long, cold winter we've had, I have been anxiously waiting to post our first report of the year, so here it goes...

While waiting for the water temps in the ocean to warm up a little more, Capt. Tommy and Capt. Ed decided to take out a few of our regulars on Saturday for some flounder fishing in the river. Stocked up with fresh mussels, sands and bloods, they were able to put a boat limit of tasty flatties together. At only 2 fish per man, the guys obviously couldn't load up the freezer, but they were at least able to take home some fillets for dinner while enjoying a nice day on the water.

The forecast for Fri and the weekend look promising so we plan on getting out there and doing some bottomfishing. We'll be targeting tog, ling and cod and the fare is $90pp on Fri and $95pp on the weekends. We still have a few spots available so please give us a call if you would like to join us and put some meat in the cooler!

~Capt. Kevin Hutnik

04-23-2014, 04:16 AM
We had a problem with the sand worms that day!