View Full Version : Bass Pro Store?

04-19-2014, 08:19 AM
Anybody know if they are still buliding that Bass Pro superstore in Sayerville? When will they be open?

Captain Rich
04-19-2014, 10:29 AM
I think I have been hearing rumors of a Bass Pro / Cabella's either in the Atlantic City or Sayreville areas for at least the past 15 years. I think that because we are in a firearm "not friendly" area those 2 companies view that as loosing 1/2 of their customer base and so are not real anxious to build here.

04-19-2014, 10:37 AM
just was checking out Bass Pro Shops website they said middle of 2015.

04-19-2014, 12:19 PM
They are building one in atlantic city.

04-19-2014, 04:23 PM
How about Cabela's up by the meadowlands, is that back on the table?

04-19-2014, 07:52 PM
Something is definitely getting grades for some large store right over the Edison bridge, with all the machines working there ...

04-19-2014, 09:16 PM
Fished with an iron worker over the summer and he said he was actually working there. Progress seems glacial though. And you never know what's going on behind the scenes at something so large. Unions & politicians sticking their beaks in, might get to the point where Bass Pro says to hell with it.

04-20-2014, 11:50 PM

04-23-2014, 06:28 PM
I for one think this post is/should be against site rules. And is a slap in the face to sponsers. You guys need to be supporting the sponsors that contribute to njf with a big chain store you'll lose all the little bait shops in the area...their already hanging on by a thread! Lets face it money isnt pouring in theirwindows and they are up against a wall... big chain insnt going to answer your phone call and say yes the bass are biting Come on down...bass pro won't have your bunker your eels or etc...you think bait shops are guna stick around just to sell you a measly dz clams to you? Come on now! Support your locals buy a rod or something fromthem.

04-23-2014, 06:40 PM
Their site says Sayreville and A/C (upcoming stores)

Gerry Zagorski
04-23-2014, 06:51 PM
Who cares??? We need to support our sponsors

Joey Dah Fish
04-23-2014, 07:57 PM
Ok fellas my 35 cents is this. Who will be there for you every day, every night at 5 am in the morning. Leave you bait or hooks etc in a special place should you decide to go fishing at odd hours!!! Certainly not Bass Pro Shops!!! Our sponsors go to enth degree to get and keep our business. Believe me the earn it. I believe it's well worth spending a few extra bucks for tackle just because they deserve it. Bass Pro is a corporation that could give a shOot whether you catch fish, nor can they tell you the tide or how other boats did etc. the list is pretty much endless. The bottom line is support our sponsor because they support us!! Thanks for hearing my 35 cents :D hope to see you all at the tackle shop :p

Captain Rich
04-23-2014, 10:40 PM
I'm all for supporting my local tackle shops, and I've got the bills to prove it, but show me which one carries my shooting supplies, specialty clothes (float coat), and the snake boots I wear when slogging around Florida swamps ?? We need the big shops too. Johnny Morris (Bass Pro) had been a terrific advocate for recreational fisherman, sponsored many tournaments, and keeps many captains, anglers, tackle manufacturers and boat builders employed. The World Wide Sportsman (Bass Pro) in Islamorada has a marina behind it which keeps a whole fleet of charter captains working. Tracker Boats is owned by Bass Pro, they make boats here in the USA. Never met a salesperson in the fishing department at Bass Pro who didn't know what they were talking about. Nothing is as quite black and white as some posting here would like to believe.

04-24-2014, 12:33 AM
The sad part is i went out to cabelas for a bridge light last yr called out pa to double and tripple check so i tell them il pay now take it off the shelf they say ok i drive out and would you believe that they had none in stock??? They arent what they are cracked out to be...also capt rich anybody around here would order it for you off hand theyres a guy in Sayrevill . With tons of shooting stuf . Local as it can get! He deals with all the town police he supplies to hundreds of sportsman like your kind self!

04-24-2014, 01:48 PM
I think there needs to be a middle ground here.

I am all about supporting the local bait stores- stores like the one I frequent in South Amboy where they know my name when I walk in (along with my wife's who is kind enough to pick up some supplies for me when time is short) They are always nice to me and my family and offer plenty of advice.

That said, a nice new large Bass Pro Store will be great. I wont buy my bait from them, or other fishing related supplies but to have competition, and a larger selection (and totally different types of merchandise like boats, quads, camping supplies, etc) available to me isn't a bad idea.

In addition, a large store like Bass Pro will support multiple jobs in the local economy and give somewhere else to shop for smaller or different items that the small local places don't carry.

I will give an example of Cabelas. My sister lives out in Pa and I often visit the store and browse. I haven't purchased a rod or reel there, but I like to look around, see the displays, look at the aquarium and look at the firearms selections.

Just my two cents, but to simply say there is no place for them seems a little short sighted.

Gerry Zagorski
04-24-2014, 02:15 PM
I think there needs to be a middle ground here.

I am all about supporting the local bait stores- stores like the one I frequent in South Amboy where they know my name when I walk in (along with my wife's who is kind enough to pick up some supplies for me when time is short) They are always nice to me and my family and offer plenty of advice.

That said, a nice new large Bass Pro Store will be great. I wont buy my bait from them, or other fishing related supplies but to have competition, and a larger selection (and totally different types of merchandise like boats, quads, camping supplies, etc) available to me isn't a bad idea.

In addition, a large store like Bass Pro will support multiple jobs in the local economy and give somewhere else to shop for smaller or different items that the small local places don't carry.

I will give an example of Cabelas. My sister lives out in Pa and I often visit the store and browse. I haven't purchased a rod or reel there, but I like to look around, see the displays, look at the aquarium and look at the firearms selections.

Just my two cents, but to simply say there is no place for them seems a little short sighted.

I understand but I still try and support local small businesses whenever I can. Not only does it help the local economy, it keeps their places in business so they are there when I need them and lastly, their service and knowledge is typically much better than the big box stores.

04-24-2014, 02:40 PM
I'll usually visit either Cabelas or Bass Pro once a year-usually during the winter (when our local shops are either closed for the season or not fully stocked) when I'll spend an entire Saturday. I think the amount of $$ I spend on those 1 or 2 trips is still less than the amount of $$ I spend at local/sponsor shops.

Blackfish Doug
04-24-2014, 03:40 PM
I will support our local dealers but there are things they have that I would like to see firsthand. Like their shoes clothing things I would like to buy but I would like to try on first. My major tackle I would buy from my local dealers being there is very little difference in the price.

04-24-2014, 07:42 PM
last I heard was the store was going in Sayerville but ground has not been broken yet. will check with a friend to see if anything has changed.