View Full Version : Striped Bass Management Forum April 23

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04-17-2014, 03:19 AM
From: FWLISTS@dep.state.nj.us
> To: njmarinefishing@listserv.state.nj.us; njoutdoors@listserv.state.nj.us
> Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 11:11:34 -0400
> Subject: Striped Bass Management Forum April 23
> NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife biologist Russ Allen will be the speaker at a public forum In Manahawkin on striped bass management on Wednesday, April 23, from 7 to 9 p.m. Hosted by the Recreational Fishing Alliance's New Jersey Chapter, this free event will feature an overview of the latest Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission's (ASMFC) striped bass assessment results, current coastwide stock status, New Jersey's survey results and potential ASMFC management actions.
> The event is designed as an open forum for those with a direct interest in the future of striped bass management along the coast, including individual saltwater anglers, for-hire captains and members of the recreational tackle community. It will offer attendees a unique glimpse at what fisheries managers discussed at the ASMFC Striped Bass Board's February meeting.
> ASMFC will take up the striped bass discussion again at their spring meetings in Alexandria, VA, which begin on May 12. In response, the public will be asked to comment on a series of management options this summer which are designed to meet conservation goals and targets for Atlantic Coast striped bass stocks; any changes to the recreational or commercial sector are expected to be implemented for the 2015 calendar year.
> The forum will be held at the Holiday Inn of Manahawkin on the south side of Route 72, approximately 1 mile east of the Garden State Parkway, Exit 63. Admission is free.
> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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