View Full Version : Party boat angler update

captain george angler
04-16-2014, 06:39 PM
We had planed to fish last weekend with the nice weather but decided to wait for some better reports. I have enjoyed some good fishing off shore but I have been waiting for the water to warm. Well I had planed to start bottom fishing tomorrow but after yesterdays storm and a forecast of NE winds for the next few days I have decided to bass fish this Friday and Saturday. We will sail 3/4 day leaving at 7:30 AM.

I have looked at the long range forecast on Wind Guru and I am going to do a Ling and Tog trip next Wednesday. This is the time we started catching fish last year. I have seen over the years that when fishing inshore ( and that is where the fish should be) in the spring time the fish are very sensitive to ground swells and they hate Southerlys.

Here is a picture of my best day cod fishing this spring. This was 2 weeks ago and I had 7 keepers to 29 pounds. I had 4 good bottom trips with Jeff and also a good tile trip with 10 tile. Last weekend the trout fishing was hot and I am primed Bass and the Ling and tog.

No galley this weekend.

Thanks Captain George

04-16-2014, 06:44 PM
Looks like the long, cold winter didn't diminish your skills George!!! Great to hear that you had a bunch of great trips this winter. Looking forward to catching some ling with you in the near future. Best of luck to the crew and captain of a great boat!!!

04-16-2014, 07:29 PM
Nice to see you catching some big cod there Cappy G. - great catching

Hopefully I will see you , the Gorski's and my buddy Jose reel soon - Get it Reel Soon - For some bottom fishing - Cant Wait

Have fun with the striped Carp

Gdubs - AKA The Candyman

04-16-2014, 08:58 PM
Sounds great.. See u soon