View Full Version : What do you do with fishes you caught during vacation?

04-15-2014, 10:53 AM
Planning to do a deep sea fishing during vacation in Dominican republic, in the next couple weeks. Question, what do you do with the fishes?

And is there any boat you recommend in punta cana? Thanks guys!!!
Should i bring any gears or stuff? never fish while away so far.

04-15-2014, 11:16 AM
When I was down there they didn't let you keep the fish. Some insurance thing with people getting sick for eating trash fish but I booked through are resort. If you book private you could probably freeze the fish and bring home. All the fishing equipment was supplied when I went but again I booked at my resort

04-15-2014, 11:22 AM
There are several things you can do with your catch....most people will have their catch cooked at the hotel where they are staying. If you are extremely lucky , and get more than you can use , give it to the Captain and mate....Now , if you want to bring some home , make sure you have some Zip-Lock bags with you , and a soft sided cooler bag too. If you have access to a freezer, you can freeze it and bring it home that way , or if you fish the day before you come home , you can actually bring it home in the cooler with some ice. I carry mine on the plane and put it in the overhead or under the seat...If you have any questions ...call me at the shop ...Pete

Gerry Zagorski
04-15-2014, 12:12 PM
Most of the places in the Caribbean the boats are in disrepair and the equipment is just as bad. I would not recommend you book anything through the hotel or any other local operation. Their idea of a good charter fishing experience is not the same as ours... Most would be out of business if they tried to fish here in the US.

I would make sure and get recommendations from someone here in the states that have fished with someone there.

As far as what to do with your catch, when you get there talk to the people at the restaurant you plan to go to before hand and see if they will cook it up for you. Pretty common in most places but not sure about DR

04-15-2014, 12:34 PM
When I fished down in Punta Cana we fished right off of the dock at the resort with hand lines and shot weights from their pellet range. I always bring hooks and line and we got some bread and corn from the buffet and hit the dock early. You can see the fish schooling under the dock and choose which ones you wanted. When the security guard came over to tell us we weren't allowed to fish we already had about 2 dozen silver looking fish in our duffel bag. We gave the guys at the lunch buffet $20 bucks and they treated us like kings. They grilled the fish and decorated a nice platter for us and served rice and vegetables. We released all colorful looking fish and only kept the silver ones (about 1-2lbs each).

04-15-2014, 01:37 PM
There are several things you can do with your catch....most people will have their catch cooked at the hotel where they are staying. If you are extremely lucky , and get more than you can use , give it to the Captain and mate....Now , if you want to bring some home , make sure you have some Zip-Lock bags with you , and a soft sided cooler bag too. If you have access to a freezer, you can freeze it and bring it home that way , or if you fish the day before you come home , you can actually bring it home in the cooler with some ice. I carry mine on the plane and put it in the overhead or under the seat...If you have any questions ...call me at the shop ...Pete

Pete, you are allow to bring fish fillet and ice onto the airplane and pass security? Be nice to bring some home but might be too much with two kidos but would love. :)

When I was down there they didn't let you keep the fish. Some insurance thing with people getting sick for eating trash fish but I booked through are resort. If you book private you could probably freeze the fish and bring home. All the fishing equipment was supplied when I went but again I booked at my resort

Ah, that sucks, you can't even keep it, at least taste some of the catch at the local resturant :(

Most of the places in the Caribbean the boats are in disrepair and the equipment is just as bad. I would not recommend you book anything through the hotel or any other local operation. Their idea of a good charter fishing experience is not the same as ours... Most would be out of business if they tried to fish here in the US.

I would make sure and get recommendations from someone here in the states that have fished with someone there.

As far as what to do with your catch, when you get there talk to the people at the restaurant you plan to go to before hand and see if they will cook it up for you. Pretty common in most places but not sure about DR

Great advice Gary, thanks! Never been to DR, first time, hopefully someone who fish there chimes in and give me some good recommendation on boat.

When I fished down in Punta Cana we fished right off of the dock at the resort with hand lines and shot weights from their pellet range. I always bring hooks and line and we got some bread and corn from the buffet and hit the dock early. You can see the fish schooling under the dock and choose which ones you wanted. When the security guard came over to tell us we weren't allowed to fish we already had about 2 dozen silver looking fish in our duffel bag. We gave the guys at the lunch buffet $20 bucks and they treated us like kings. They grilled the fish and decorated a nice platter for us and served rice and vegetables. We released all colorful looking fish and only kept the silver ones (about 1-2lbs each).

Thanks Pete, i am going to try that with my little one. It should be fun. Hopefully the security will not be in my way...hahhaha! I'll tip them $20 bucks and tell them to go away....hahhahhaha!!!! You think that'll work? hehehhehhe!

04-15-2014, 02:05 PM
Pete, you are allow to bring fish fillet and ice onto the airplane and pass security? Be nice to bring some home but might be too much with two kidos but would love. :)

Ah, that sucks, you can't even keep it, at least taste some of the catch at the local resturant :(

Great advice Gary, thanks! Never been to DR, first time, hopefully someone who fish there chimes in and give me some good recommendation on boat.

Thanks Pete, i am going to try that with my little one. It should be fun. Hopefully the security will not be in my way...hahhaha! I'll tip them $20 bucks and tell them to go away....hahhahhaha!!!! You think that'll work? hehehhehhe!

Not sure if tipping the security guys is the best option lol. We just went early and stayed low key. We were fishing old school with only hand lines so we stayed very stealthy. Then again I am a fishing addict so I will do just about whatever to get my fix on! Good Luck

04-15-2014, 02:07 PM
Samsky....I found out that you can bring fish home because it is not something that has to be inspected by the feds.. In most cases , they want to know how the fishing was and what you caught...While coming back from Cancun , I have brought home ,grouper, snapper, mahi-mahi, yellow tails, and wahoo...mmmmm....good....Good luck...Pete

04-15-2014, 02:32 PM
Most place I've always brought fish home cabo especially and I'll I said on the paper coming home was I had meat the custom people always ask what type and I say fish never a problem. At DR though they said we were not allowed. Still fun to catch tunas and dorados there and I forget the boat I went on but like Gerry said try to find out of the resort always worked better for me!!

04-15-2014, 03:25 PM
I vacation in Seaside. Sashimi at the cottage.

Capt Joe
04-15-2014, 05:15 PM
Oh yea, that what I want next time I go away, some silvery looking fish in a duffel bag for lunch:D;):D

Capt Joe
04-15-2014, 05:19 PM
I vacation in Seaside. Sashimi at the cottage.

Get it from quik-chek or 7-11, Bruce?:D

04-15-2014, 05:43 PM
I've brought home fish from several locations around the globe & usually not an issue. Soft cooler & carry it on. Customs will want to inspect but never had an issue.

Always bring your equipment. Most will have mediocre equipment at best. Bring a rod carrier & put lures in a container that will fit in the rod carrier. Some countries will not allow large hooks on carry on. Example: US, Panama will. Costa Rica & Mexico won't. DR I'm not 100% sure.

Always bring a decent fillet knife. Again they usually have junk. Punta Cana has plenty of pelagic fishing very close to shore - maybe 1/2 hour out.

Rule #1 - everything is negotiable from taxi's to restaurants to fishing charters. They will ALWAYS give you a crazy high price at first. Negotiate with them & they usually will lower the price.

When I went down I fished every day & had a blast. Dominicans are a fun loving people that are down to earth & if you get the right boat, they are serious fisherman.

Buy them a six pack of beer, buy them a beer at the bar day before, take some extra sunglasses, lures, pliers, etc to give to them. If you do it's a different trip. Last time I went down they filleted my dorado, pulled out the roe, made fish soup on the boat & I ate with them. They took me to some of their better spots & really took care of me.

Can't wait to go back one day. I'm sure you'll have a blast!

04-15-2014, 09:01 PM
I'm glad Capt. Joe posted exactly what the rest of us thought. A nice silver fish stuffed in a duffel bag in the hot Caribbean sun! Yummmmy

04-15-2014, 10:18 PM
I'm glad Capt. Joe posted exactly what the rest of us thought. A nice silver fish stuffed in a duffel bag in the hot Caribbean sun! Yummmmy

Haha yea true story. Don't worry they were only in there for less than an hour and the bag was soaking in cooler water. Still no idea what type of fish we ate but they were delicious and we are still alive! Almost like a scup just bigger.

04-15-2014, 10:19 PM
Oh yea, that what I want next time I go away, some silvery looking fish in a duffel bag for lunch:D;):D

I got you Capt. I'll bring the duffle bag! :D:D:D

04-15-2014, 10:50 PM
I've brought home fish from several locations around the globe & usually not an issue. Soft cooler & carry it on. Customs will want to inspect but never had an issue.

Always bring your equipment. Most will have mediocre equipment at best. Bring a rod carrier & put lures in a container that will fit in the rod carrier. Some countries will not allow large hooks on carry on. Example: US, Panama will. Costa Rica & Mexico won't. DR I'm not 100% sure.

Always bring a decent fillet knife. Again they usually have junk. Punta Cana has plenty of pelagic fishing very close to shore - maybe 1/2 hour out.

Rule #1 - everything is negotiable from taxi's to restaurants to fishing charters. They will ALWAYS give you a crazy high price at first. Negotiate with them & they usually will lower the price.

When I went down I fished every day & had a blast. Dominicans are a fun loving people that are down to earth & if you get the right boat, they are serious fisherman.

Buy them a six pack of beer, buy them a beer at the bar day before, take some extra sunglasses, lures, pliers, etc to give to them. If you do it's a different trip. Last time I went down they filleted my dorado, pulled out the roe, made fish soup on the boat & I ate with them. They took me to some of their better spots & really took care of me.

Can't wait to go back one day. I'm sure you'll have a blast!

Going to Punta Cana 06/01 you got any names or numbers?

04-16-2014, 06:30 AM
ate them ....

04-16-2014, 10:09 AM
Two things I do with my catch is.....

- I take a taxi driver to drive me down to the boat and I tell him, if I catch any fresh fish, I am going to give you a bounty worth so you can drive me around for free for the rest of the week. If he agrees, ask for his cell phone number and if yours work, call the number he gives you to make sure he is legit. I have done this three times and have gone three for three. Make sure you pick a friendly driver. Saved me some money. You know he is serious is when you tell him to be back at 2, he is their at 2

- If I have some one taking care of me at a hotel or a favorite waiter, I give him a nice bag of fish as well so if I need him for anything, he will give me white glove service.

Works like a charm.

Fishin Dude
04-16-2014, 11:58 AM
Outside the USA, I've always let the Captain and Mate bring some fish home. Not sure if they actually eat it, or sell it, but it's a nice gesture which is always appreciated. I always take care of the hotel staff to have my fish prepared by the kitchen. Only had a problem once, and it was here in the states at Marina Del Rey in California. The hotel gave me the "It's against the law" story, and my money didn't talk. So, off to the supermarket for some cooking supplies/spices/fixings, including on of those disposable BBQ grills. Cooked it up outside on the balcony.

04-22-2014, 10:42 AM
Guys! thanks so much for the great advices. really appreciated. Hoping for a great catch. And if anyone have any captain recommendation for Punta cana, please let me know. thank you :)