View Full Version : warmouth pic

04-14-2014, 04:22 PM
Caught my first warmouth in 2014 yesterday evening in a small beaver pond in Central NJ. Saw a big bowfin hit my lure, but I missed it. Last year I caught 116 warmouth in the pond.

04-14-2014, 04:39 PM
Never knew those were in Jersey - never seen one before - have you reported this place to NJ Fish & Wildlife?

"Anglers must destroy these species if encountered while fishing and are asked to submit specimen(s) to Bureau of Freshwater Fisheries personnel for verification. Fish and Wildlife's fisheries biologists can be reached at 908-236-2118 for northern New Jersey, and at 856-629-4950 for southern New Jersey."


04-14-2014, 04:43 PM
My favorite sunfish!!!

04-14-2014, 07:50 PM
I caught one last year in central jersey thinking nothing of it. I had never heard of a Warmouth until your post just now and looked it up. I assumed it was just another type of Sunny never thinking it was invasive. Thanks for sharing, learn something new everyday.

04-14-2014, 07:55 PM
they're all over middllesex county, my kid catches them just about every time we head anywhere the past year or so...

04-14-2014, 08:01 PM
That's where I live. I should pay more attention when I fish!!

04-14-2014, 10:29 PM
Are they edible?

04-14-2014, 10:38 PM
Are they edible?
sure are. probably the best way to dispose of a warmouth (or green sunfish). it has to go, but it doesn't have to go to waste.

04-14-2014, 11:33 PM
sure are. probably the best way to dispose of a warmouth (or green sunfish). it has to go, but it doesn't have to go to waste.

X2 never seen or tasted one but I'm all in favor of no waste... Fish Fry...

Dave B.
04-15-2014, 12:52 AM
Warmouth and Green sunfish are two different fish.



If you're eating them it really doesn't matter of course but otherwise it may be helpful to be able to positively ID a fish before possibly killing the wrong species.

04-15-2014, 01:56 AM
Warmouth and Green sunfish are two different fish.



If you're eating them it really doesn't matter of course but otherwise it may be helpful to be able to positively ID a fish before possibly killing the wrong species.
yes, i know. i just mentioned green sunfish because it's the other commonly caught invasive sunfish with kill-on-catch orders from NJ DFW. they look very different.

04-15-2014, 02:40 PM
Never knew those were in Jersey - never seen one before - have you reported this place to NJ Fish & Wildlife?

"Anglers must destroy these species if encountered while fishing and are asked to submit specimen(s) to Bureau of Freshwater Fisheries personnel for verification. Fish and Wildlife's fisheries biologists can be reached at 908-236-2118 for northern New Jersey, and at 856-629-4950 for southern New Jersey."


I reported them to NJ Invasive Species Biologist Shawn Crouse.

Dave B.
04-16-2014, 01:27 AM
yes, i know. i just mentioned green sunfish because it's the other commonly caught invasive sunfish with kill-on-catch orders from NJ DFW. they look very different.

Ah, okay. Sorry for the mis-understanding re; your post.

04-17-2014, 09:25 PM
As an avid fishkeeper, I've read tons on native fishkeeping in aquariums. I've read Warmouth's make great pets, better than any other sunfish genus'. I'd not heard of them being in NJ waters before this thread. Interesting to know.

03-20-2016, 06:20 PM
Is that Sturgeon Pond? Ive heard they are in there. Also some in Gropp's. They gonna out compete all the other panfish species. Sunnies, crappie, chubs etc.

03-25-2016, 02:22 PM
Caught a 9.5" warmouth in NJ yesterday evening. Too bad they can't be entered in the NJ Skillful Angler Award Program under the sunfish category. That's the second one that I caught this year.

03-25-2016, 03:33 PM
That fish is a first for me also, I'm glad you added a picture cause I had no idea what they looked like...LOL