View Full Version : Plenty of fish out here!!!

04-13-2014, 11:21 PM
This months adventure doesn't include catching anything larger than an inch!! I'm out on the NOAA R/V Gorden Gunter with some work geared towards identifying bottom habitat, fish larvae and marine mammals. I'm on the overnight shift doing bottom grabs(how fun) to further identify animals living in/on the ocean bottom in areas that are being considered for Wind Energy Areas off of Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Additional daytime work is with observers identifying the whales/dolphins and birds that are in each zone. This work has already been going on for four weeks and I jumped on last week.

While out here the marine mammal folks are deploying listening devices and towing hydrophones as we criss/cross the canyons in this northern zone.
So fish larvae? yes to Herrings and Sand Lance. Tons? not yet, it seems as thought the phytoplankton blooms are coming and they are followed by more zooplankton. So the whale food isn't peaking yet.
Did anyone know there are bottlenose and beaked whales? not me but hopefully I'll be awake long enough to see some.

Will try to get access to some cool photos. Mine just are of boring mud and maybe a sunrise or sunset.

Link to NOAA Shiptracker. Ship is the Gorden Gunter. Cruise is current "Spring Cetacean"

the Gorden Gunter link for info:
http://www.moc.noaa.gov/gu/index.html?PHPSESSID=19f263a9a40a771830208e1abf827 c68

More info on the research:

04-14-2014, 07:30 AM
Awesome report! A buddy of mine is working on rebuilding a beach club in Sea Bright and last week he said he saw the largest pod of dolphin he's ever seen. If you ask me, it's a good sign! I'll be checking back for some pics!

ALS Mako
04-15-2014, 08:06 PM
While out here the marine mammal folks are deploying listening devices and towing hydrophones as we criss/cross the canyons in this northern zone.

Link to NOAA Shiptracker. Ship is the Gorden Gunter. Cruise is current "Spring Cetacean"

the Gorden Gunter link for info:
http://www.moc.noaa.gov/gu/index.html?PHPSESSID=19f263a9a40a771830208e1abf827 c68

More info on the research:

did they come across any mermaids yet? listen for the mysterious "bloop"

04-16-2014, 08:21 AM
Thanks for that hopeful report Shreasearchdude. I'll be looking forward to cool photos. Papa

04-16-2014, 09:14 AM
Awesome report! A buddy of mine is working on rebuilding a beach club in Sea Bright and last week he said he saw the largest pod of dolphin he's ever seen. If you ask me, it's a good sign! I'll be checking back for some pics!

Sounds like my old wedding venue that gone blown away by Sandy.

04-20-2014, 12:39 AM
from a deepwater plankton tow. both less than one inch. the day observer crew has seen or heard a number of different species of whales and dolphins, or heard them on the acoustic array that we tow around. I was listening to the clicks, buzzing and calling of a pod of dolphins earlier. Way cool stuff.

oh and the Canadian warship looked massive from pretty far away-we're in their waters and they know why-but wanted to say hello from a few miles out.