View Full Version : Flounder special, combo special!

04-10-2014, 05:16 PM
starting early may thru early july we will offer flattie specials to PLYMOUTH BAY @ DUXBURY BAY. 30 minutes from GREEN HARBOR these well protected waters offer some great flattie fishing. does not have the reputation of QUINCY BAY but just as good! LIMITS USUALLY, 8 fish pp. counting capt. @ mate you would be allowed 64 flounder. 8 hour trip, size limit 12 inches, fare $850 includes bait @ chum. second option, FLOUNDER/STELLWAGEN COMBO TRIP!. 13 hour trip, fish flatties early, steam to STELLWAGEN for 7 species of groundfish. HALIBUT were caught last season, imagine 64 flats @ the grand daddy flattie, HALIBUT!. trip 4 am. to 5 pm. fare $1400. no other charter boat offering this trip. best, capt. jim

04-11-2014, 11:41 AM
Hey Capt Jim. Is Cod season closed in Stellwagen in mid to end of May? If so what other groundfish would be targeted? Haddock, Hake, Pollock, Cusk etc?

04-11-2014, 01:20 PM
Hey Capt Jim. Is Cod season closed in Stellwagen in mid to end of May? If so what other groundfish would be targeted? Haddock, Hake, Pollock, Cusk etc?

petey hd, cod open april 16 thru October 31. we also catch haddock, Pollock, halibut, cusk, hake, wolfish @ redfish. best, capt. jim

04-11-2014, 04:05 PM
Great thanks Capt. I will be giving you a call to set something up. Just need to call my soldiers.


04-11-2014, 04:16 PM
Great thanks Capt. I will be giving you a call to set something up. Just need to call my soldiers.


pete, look forward to fishing with you. best, capt. jim

04-15-2014, 02:49 PM
hi guys, interest strong on these trips. great combo trip, call for best dates based on the tides. best, capt. jim