View Full Version : Stripers-When will it start?

Capt Sal
04-10-2014, 09:57 AM
Looking at log books from ten years ago and more they are pretty much the same. We started to catch bass on or near April 21.Clamming and trolling worked best. On or near May 1 we switched over to bunker chunking. soon after it is live lining as the water gets even warmer and the bass are less lethargic. I am strictly talking about Raritan Bay and Princess Bay. In my opinion the later this run starts the better. If they come early they leave early. Last year was a good year and a normal year in the bay. It did not start too early and lasted thru the whole month of June. We are all anxious to get started but in reality it is still early. Does anyone agree with me on this?:):

04-10-2014, 10:17 AM
That sounds spot on to me.

I'm curious to know if the current ocean temperatures are cooler than past years at this time. Depending on that, it may push back the time table.

Blackfish Doug
04-10-2014, 10:18 AM
After the winter we had who could disagree I go by my plantings. My crocus just bloomed last year they bloomed in February. My Hyacinth are just starting to bloom they bloomed last year early March. I remember talking to farmers as a kid they told me fishing starts to get good once those flowers drop their blooms. I remember fishing for Weakfish back in the 60's they said once the Lilacs were in bloom the Weakfish would show in the Peconics they were always dead on. I agree with you Sal 100% I think your dead on.

Type R Teggy
04-10-2014, 12:08 PM
Possibly for the bigger schools of bass. There deff is some bass in the bay though. I have 4 keepers under the belt this season in only 3 attempts

04-10-2014, 12:14 PM
All I've been hearing is that us recs killed all the breeders so there are no more :rolleyes:

04-10-2014, 02:24 PM
i go by when i start hearing those spring frogs chirping at night in freshwater ponds...been hearing them for about a week now. had fish in my log book anywhere from the 13th to 18th of April all on plugs

04-10-2014, 04:48 PM
it starts popping sunday , when i go out for the first time of the season ! big schools drop and run offs , fighting fish till my arms hurt , now with that being said ....dont follow me or crowd my area thanks in advance lol ;)

04-10-2014, 07:05 PM
After the winter we had who could disagree I go by my plantings. My crocus just bloomed last year they bloomed in February. My Hyacinth are just starting to bloom they bloomed last year early March. I remember talking to farmers as a kid they told me fishing starts to get good once those flowers drop their blooms. I remember fishing for Weakfish back in the 60's they said once the Lilacs were in bloom the Weakfish would show in the Peconics they were always dead on. I agree with you Sal 100% I think your dead on.

My father always said once the dogwoods bloom it's blackfish time! I'm ready...


Chris G
04-10-2014, 07:14 PM
Went today & fished the flats in the east side of the bay. Caught fish but the only problem is they were microscopic. One thing I've noticed past few weeks going back & forth each day across the bay & even thru Jamaica Bay is the lack of Gannetts. Usually bunker are pretty thick by now.

04-10-2014, 08:10 PM
For whats its worth here's my input.Every year first keeper caught around march 15th for me,0 fish caught this year,the fall was the worst in memory only had one good day out of a few dozen trips,I fish the raritan river regularly and there are no stripers in it,usually its loaded with little guys.The pics I'm seeing of fish caught this year are all resident fish not migrating fish.Everybody has there opinions and mine is we are on big down cycle.Yes fish will be caught and there will be great days but not like it used to be.

04-10-2014, 08:31 PM
I always heard Noreaster in, Noreaster out

04-10-2014, 10:12 PM
My father always said once the dogwoods bloom it's blackfish time! I'm ready...


I am not sure how close the dogwoods are to blooming, but I must have made a dozen or more drops in two trips in anywhere from 25ft to 65ft of water with barely a touch and not much life.

04-10-2014, 10:52 PM
Last year we killed them trolling in the bay 4/17. Be a slower start. There were so many bunker off the beach, it was tough catching. I think it will be a week late..........thats it.

Type R Teggy
04-10-2014, 10:54 PM
For whats its worth here's my input.Every year first keeper caught around march 15th for me,0 fish caught this year,the fall was the worst in memory only had one good day out of a few dozen trips,I fish the raritan river regularly and there are no stripers in it,usually its loaded with little guys.The pics I'm seeing of fish caught this year are all resident fish not migrating fish.Everybody has there opinions and mine is we are on big down cycle.Yes fish will be caught and there will be great days but not like it used to be.
Ive been out 3 time and like i said got 4 keepers to show for. And as for last fall they didnt make a heavy appearance in jersey but if you went to long island you hook up all day long for 2 months straight! Its a big ocean they have lots of places to be

04-10-2014, 11:03 PM
Looking at log books from ten years ago and more they are pretty much the same. We started to catch bass on or near April 21.Clamming and trolling worked best. On or near May 1 we switched over to bunker chunking. soon after it is live lining as the water gets even warmer and the bass are less lethargic. I am strictly talking about Raritan Bay and Princess Bay. In my opinion the later this run starts the better. If they come early they leave early. Last year was a good year and a normal year in the bay. It did not start too early and lasted thru the whole month of June. We are all anxious to get started but in reality it is still early. Does anyone agree with me on this?:):

I have a few photos that are dated April 16-20th with my back bay spots ... With the cold winter maybe push that back a week or so... I'd say your spot on though captain... Tight lines

shrimpman steve
04-10-2014, 11:36 PM
Two trips for me, no fish. Will try again on Sunday

I will be behind bass appeal:D

See you on the water sunday

"Reef Donkey"
04-12-2014, 07:47 AM
Usually when the Forsythia bloom is when we start hitting em

Capt Sal
04-12-2014, 08:47 AM
The migratory bass are not here yet. There are some resident bass responding from the beach in shallow water. It will start soon and with any luck continue thru all of June.

04-12-2014, 04:17 PM
Ive been out 3 time and like i said got 4 keepers to show for. And as for last fall they didnt make a heavy appearance in jersey but if you went to long island you hook up all day long for 2 months straight! Its a big ocean they have lots of places to be

The " its a big dam ocean and they are either there or there not" is the only thing that keeps me glued to fresh water....In the sweet water I can find the fish, then its just a matter of figuring out what they want....Salt water fishing intimidates me to say the least...I have tons of respect for you salt water nuts...You guys rule:D

Bob T.
04-12-2014, 10:24 PM
I heard that,"when the dogwoods in bloom-the drumfish will boom".