View Full Version : Order Your Bait Now

04-10-2014, 08:03 AM
Thinking about going out and soaking a few clams this weekend..??? Call ahead and reserve your bait at Atlantic Bait and Tackle....With the forecast for a great weekend , the last thing you want to do is start searching for fresh clams...Just call the shop at 732-787-2248 .. reserve your bait .. and if you would like them shucked , just give 24 hours notice....We weighed in a couple bass this past weekend at 11 and 14 lbs. ...No not monsters , but at least they are starting to come around. Action has been along the beach from Lawrence Harbor to the Belford flats , and we also have clam chum . Don"t wait ...order now....We open at 5 am. and close at 7 pm. See you soon ..Pete..