View Full Version : Using Light Sticks trolling for tuna

04-06-2014, 04:29 PM
While we wait for that first eyeball bite.... I figured drop the topic here and get some discussion going. What do you guys use?

Last season we had a few boats running simple lures with light sticks in them and they were smashing eyeballs! While many lures today are great and the expensive ones do have a reason for the price, its always fun to pay less and catch more!

Here is a sample of some inexpensive lures that you can insert sticks into and it will improve your catch in daylight, just as much as low light conditions! Many guys do not know that using a glow type lure / stick during the day will increase your action! Just because we cant see it glowing does not mean the fish cant! These fish will pick up on the extra light and come after it!

I have more lures, but I figured I would also ask you guys what your using?





04-06-2014, 04:34 PM
Using a disposable stick will work just fine..... but we used Sweeneys Reusable Sticks last season and our test boats liked them much better! They hold their charge longer, as well as costing less because you can use them trip after trip!

Here is an example:




04-07-2014, 11:32 AM
If you do not troll a dredge, GET ONE.. they work.. Learn the way eye balls feed, we troll joe shutes as well as spreader bars, usual spread, 80s and 50s, these fish are rough and tough and they are unstoppable without high drag, if your looking to have fun with them then so be it, but you have a better chance landing these fish putting monster amounts of heat on them... They are tough enough, why give them the chance to beat you on a noodle rod...

04-08-2014, 05:50 PM
If you do not troll a dredge, GET ONE.. they work.. Learn the way eye balls feed, we troll joe shutes as well as spreader bars, usual spread, 80s and 50s, these fish are rough and tough and they are unstoppable without high drag, if your looking to have fun with them then so be it, but you have a better chance landing these fish putting monster amounts of heat on them... They are tough enough, why give them the chance to beat you on a noodle rod...

Not sure what your saying ?? Are you sayig that will not hit something like this?? I know how they feed..... and the Offshore Open eyeball came on a glow lure in 2012 so they will eat something that is lit up as we proved back then. In fact, a basic dredge done up with only light sticks and no artificial lures was destroyed a few times last seas as well. 20 of these 6 inch glow sticks tied to a dredge.... nothing that even resembled a fish on it. Day & night it was crushed.


Below is Don from Canyon & Capt Rob ( Jersey Nutz) with the winning fish taken on a glow lure...
