View Full Version : Big mac splashes, it floats!

04-03-2014, 01:02 PM
FINALLY, fishery shut down since nov 1, splashed yesterday, new cat diesel fired right up. real season opens april 16, two recons on a friend's vessel encouraging. this week extra furono 1835 radar being installed, top of the line. second bus heater, new inverter, micro @ additional seating in the wheelhouse. vessel very comfortable @ fishy! flounder bookings doing well @ the combo flounder/groundfish really taking off. late summer whiting/redfish combos booking for guys from southern nj. @ Maryland. follow us here @ in the star ledger on Friday, also in nj. fisherman magazine @ the Chesapeake 360 magazine out of Maryland. raring to go for the 37th. season. good luck to all. best, capt. jim

04-03-2014, 07:31 PM
Sounds great captain...can't wait for the 28th!!!!

04-04-2014, 07:08 AM
Sounds great captain...can't wait for the 28th!!!!

see you then. best, capt. jim

04-04-2014, 11:04 AM

Best of luck with the new boat and the '14 season. I enjoy reading your messages, everyone could learn a lesson about etiquette from reading your posts.

Have a great season!


04-04-2014, 12:03 PM

Best of luck with the new boat and the '14 season. I enjoy reading your messages, everyone could learn a lesson about etiquette from reading your posts.

Have a great season!


thanks dad, seriously thanks for the comeback, can't wait to go fishing. best, capt. jim