Angler Paul
03-28-2014, 12:33 AM
Fluke and Sea bass Regulation Update 3/27/14
There will be a special meeting of the NJMFC that will be held at 4 PM on April 3rd at the Stafford Township Municipal building located at 260 East Bay Av., Manahawkin. Regulations for both fluke and sea bass will be decided at that meeting following public comment. All concerned fishermen are encouraged to voice their opinions at this meeting.
There was another advisors meeting on 3/27/14. Regarding fluke there were no changes in the options being considered. The majority of advisors favored option 2 but I sensed that there was also considerable support for option 1. I believe that either option has a good chance of being adopted. I think whichever one has the most public support at the upcoming NJMFC meeting will be the one that is chosen.
Option 1 - 18 size limit, 5 fish bag limit, season May 17th September 21st
Option 2 18 size limit, 5 fish bag limit, season May 23rd September 27th
There is also the possibility of a special 16 size limit for shore based fishermen at Island Beach State Park. This is a proposed pilot program that could be expanded to other areas next year. This possible option is being developed further and may be explained at the meeting on 4/3. However, if it moves forward, it will not be voted on until the councils May meeting
Regarding sea bass there were a couple new options developed pertaining to the split bag season. One in particular garnered unanimous support. This new option is as follows:12 ½ size limit, 15 fish bag limit from 5/19 6/30, 3 fish bag limit from 7/1 8/31, 15 fish bag limit from 9/1 9/6 and a 15 fish bag limit from 10/18 12/31. There were 7 other options that were considered and at least a couple of them will be presented at the meeting on 4/3. I dont want to speculate on which ones they might be but I will let you
know once they are finalized by the council.
Paul Haertel
President, JCAA
There will be a special meeting of the NJMFC that will be held at 4 PM on April 3rd at the Stafford Township Municipal building located at 260 East Bay Av., Manahawkin. Regulations for both fluke and sea bass will be decided at that meeting following public comment. All concerned fishermen are encouraged to voice their opinions at this meeting.
There was another advisors meeting on 3/27/14. Regarding fluke there were no changes in the options being considered. The majority of advisors favored option 2 but I sensed that there was also considerable support for option 1. I believe that either option has a good chance of being adopted. I think whichever one has the most public support at the upcoming NJMFC meeting will be the one that is chosen.
Option 1 - 18 size limit, 5 fish bag limit, season May 17th September 21st
Option 2 18 size limit, 5 fish bag limit, season May 23rd September 27th
There is also the possibility of a special 16 size limit for shore based fishermen at Island Beach State Park. This is a proposed pilot program that could be expanded to other areas next year. This possible option is being developed further and may be explained at the meeting on 4/3. However, if it moves forward, it will not be voted on until the councils May meeting
Regarding sea bass there were a couple new options developed pertaining to the split bag season. One in particular garnered unanimous support. This new option is as follows:12 ½ size limit, 15 fish bag limit from 5/19 6/30, 3 fish bag limit from 7/1 8/31, 15 fish bag limit from 9/1 9/6 and a 15 fish bag limit from 10/18 12/31. There were 7 other options that were considered and at least a couple of them will be presented at the meeting on 4/3. I dont want to speculate on which ones they might be but I will let you
know once they are finalized by the council.
Paul Haertel
President, JCAA