View Full Version : Researchers find Sea Bass tougher then expected

Blackfish Doug
03-20-2014, 10:01 PM
I got this from another site but I feel a lot of you may find this very interesting.


03-20-2014, 11:15 PM
I'm not surprised. I always apply some slight pressure to the bodies of fish with baratrauma and they usually go down. Sea bass and cod seem to do very well. So do blackfish under around 8lbs. Fish that get bubbles under the skin like pollack and cusk are DOA ebcause they have blood full of nitrogen.

03-21-2014, 07:06 AM
Well, I am surprised. I thought when in the deep and the stomachs came out it meant certain doom, for all released fish. Provided they weren't vented. I was led to believe they couldn't make it all the way back down to structure and seek shelter. Making them vulnerable to predators. When I sea bass fish, few if any are gut hooked. Probably less than 1%. Greater than 50% come up with their stomachs protruding from their mouths. Good news for sure. Thanks for the post Doug.

I wonder if the regulators used this information when the decision was made to cut our sea bass quota? HMMMM........

03-21-2014, 07:24 AM
To their surprise, the researchers found that approximately 90 percent of the fish in the experimental group with visible barotrauma (but that weren't floaters. That is the Key , if they float to long they are doomed.
The deeper you go the more atmospheres /pressure there is . ( 100 feet vs 200 feet makes a big difference , that is why venting is important on very deep fishing

03-21-2014, 08:05 AM
Good news! The good thing about Seabass is as long as you use octopus or circle hooks for them, they are RARELY hooked in the gills, back of the throat, or stomach. Also the use of a venting tool should always be available to anyone who heads offshore for them. I do not believe that Seabass are damaged on the way down when you vent 'em, but I am not sure.